(45) Our Prince Is Here

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Three months later.

Lia went into labor two weeks after her due date. Bucky rushed into the L&D room she was in Amalia had brought her in. 

"Thank you Amalia." He said as he cleaned out his scrub pockets. 

After thirteen long hours of labor, Lia gave four pushes as she welcomed their son into the world. Bucky cried and shook as he cut the cord. The nurse cleaned him a little before laying him on Lia's chest. 

"Welcome to the world Adrian James." She whispered 

"Perfect he is absolutely perfect baby. And you did amazing I just fell in love with you all over again watching you give birth to our son." He said as he kissed her. 

She smiled at him, "Thank you and I love you too." She said 

They enjoyed their quiet time with their son before they let visitors come back. 

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