(8) What The Hell Is Going On?

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Three days later,

Bucky and Aurelia drove to school together and walked in together for last three days. He had also been sitting with her at lunch so they could take care of JJ together. Sam questioned it at first but once he saw that Bucky was being true with his intentions he let it slide.

However, Bucky's crew wasn't having any of it. After school he was passing off JJ to Aurelia before football practice. 

"I'll meet you in the gym after practice. So I can watch him while you do volley. Bye JJ be good for mama. Bye wifey." He said 

"Bye hubby." She said with a smile. 

She went on to study in the library before practice. Bucky's crew confronteď him. 

"What the fuck was that? You are chummy with fat black bitch now?" Cynthia said 

Bucky rolls his eyes. 

"Seriously man what is going on with you?" Clint said 

"What are you talking about?" He said 

Steve and the crew all tell him how he is changing and he reminds them again of the school project. 

"Well we don't like the change." Cynthia said 

"Yeah man its not a good look." Clint said 

"Maybe its a good thing Im changjng now I have football practice." He said and walked off. 

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