(46) Oops We Did It Again

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1 year later,

Bucky and Lia went to Belize to enjoy their anniversary. The grandparents were keeping Adrian for the two weeks they were gone. They enjoyed all the sight seeing and delicious food during their trip. 

But more than anything they were enjoying all the love making they could have. Between their long hours at the hospital and Adrian they had very little time to enjoy each other. It was the morning they were due to fly back. 

"Do we really have to go back?" Lia whispered 

Bucky let out a chuckle, "Baby we do have to go back. We have a job and a son." He said 

She kissed him, "mmm Dr Lia Barnes.." he whispered as she kissed down his stomach. 

"Yes Dr James Barnes.." she said as she stroked him before taking him in her mouth. 

He let a inaudible noise, then moaned. He opened his eyes when she stopped he found her sliding down on him. 

"Ride me baby." He whispered 

"Oh I plan to." She whispered as she began to ride him. 

Twenty minutes later, they were both coming together. Bucky sat up to her and kissed her. 

"We have to check out Dr Barnes reality is knocking." He whispered 

"Yeah I know." She whispered. 

They packed up and enjoyed their flight home. 


Six weeks later....

"Hey Dr J. Barnes, your wife has been trying to page you. She is in her office." Clint said

Bucky went running to her office, he found her with a trash can in between her legs as she sat at her desk. 

"Baby?" He said 

"Hey.." she said 

"Lets get you home..Im done for the day since I have worked a 48 hour shift." He said as he helped her up. 

He took her home and they rested for awhile, and thought popped into her head. 

"Buck I think Im pregnant." She said 

"Um..wait when was your last cycle." He said 

"Before Belize." She said after she thought about it. 

"You need to take a test.." he said 

She took a home test she had in her bathroom. Bucky stood with her as she waited, kissing her neck. 

*Ding Ding* her apple watch went off to tell them that their two minutes is up. 

She picked up the test, "positive." they both said in unison. 

"You stay and rest darlin, I'll get little man from daycare and pick supper up." He said 

"We are having another baby." She said 

He kissed her, "We are having another baby." He said 

They had their first appointment two weeks later, and told the family aS well. 

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