(22) Evidence & Arrests

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The next morning,

Cal and Lydia turned in what evidence they had, the picture she took and the CCTV outside the diner. 

"Thanks Cal and Lydia." Detective Morris said 

"Anything we can do to help detective." Cal said 

The CSIs began to go over all the evidence. They had a hit on the license plate which belonged to Zane's parents. They question his parents but they couldn't tell them where they were. It was Cynthia's best friend who told them where the crew use to all hang out. 

They found Zane, Jackson and Cynthia at Cynthia's family lake house. They tested them for gun shot residue. It came back positive on Cynthia and they were all arrested. The gun belonged to Jackson's dad. 

They are all arrested not just for the shooting but now they had drug charges as well. The detectives inform the parents when they get to the hospital. Both set of parents lose it.

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