(31) New Couples Alert!

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1 month later,

Aurelia and her best friend Elaina share a birthday, and like every year they throw a big bash together. This year was no different everyone got dressed up in their formal wear to attend. As the night wore on Bucky and Aurelia both hid a smile behind their cups of juice. 

Desmond and Bobbi were slow dancing and chatting. Lettie and Christian were laughing at Sam's joke as Natasha had her arm linked in his. Clint and Nia were dancing and chatting, while Wanda and Blaine were dancing as well. 

"Look our group is finally one big group." Aurelia said 

"Like it should be babe." He said 

"Dance with me?" She said 

"Of course my angel." He said as he led her on to the dance floor. 

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