(27) Guilty Verdicts All Around

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Three months later,

The two lawyers gave their closing arguments then the judge sent the jury to deliberate. Bucky and Aurelia joined their friends for lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings. When they were all finished and paid their tabs and headed out the door they all got texts. 

"Get to the courthouse they are done." 

It was from Rashad who had sent out a group text. They all headed back to the courthouse to hear the verdict. The three defendents Cynthia, Jackson and Zane were brought in. 

Everyone stood up when it was time for the verdict to be read. 

Cynthia was found guilty, Zane was found guilty and Jackson too. Cynthia began to cry, while Javkson screamed he was sorry to Bucky and Zane had a panic attack as they were all taken away. 

Everyone was relieved but Jackson's family wasn't, they were hysterical. 

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