(21) Look What Your Hate Did!

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Both Bucky and Aurelia were rushed into surgery, while their families rushed in. 

"My daughter Aurelia and her boyfrend James were brought in." Rashad said 

"Just have a seat Mr Saunders the doctors will be out shortly both your daughter and her boyfriend were both rushed to the OR." The front desk nurse said 

James and Winnie walked in, and went up to the front desk. "I was called about my son James Barnes." James said 

"Just have a seat Mr Barnes he is currently in surgery." The nurse said 

Rashad heard him, but Amalia wouldn't let her husband cause a scene. Everyone came in and took a seat. After waiting two hours two doctors came down the hall. 

"James Barnes family." Dr Wilcox said 

"Aurelia Saunders family." Dr Wliburn said 

They all stood up, "They both are in CCU and have slipped into coma and are on life support. James took three shots, one of which caused a collapsed lung on his way in. Aurelia only had two shots from what we can tell. It looks like two of James' shots went right through him and into her. They are both in critical stage." Dr Wilcox said

"My baby!" Amalia screamed as Rashad held as he stood frozen. 

Winnie began to hyperventilate as she whispered "no" over and over again. She sat against the wall and began to cry. 

The police interview Bucky's old crew and Aurelia's crew, thats when they all said Zane Jackson and Cynthia all didn't like them being together. They were also the only 3 who didn't hang around as much and had been acting weird. 

Sam walked over to James and Winnie, "Look at what your hate for people of color and an innocent person has done! My best friend who is like a sister to me and your son and friend who I've become really close with is fighting for their lives. And for what?! Because they fell in love?! Because he chose to see the amazing person she is instead of the color of her skin! Because he allowed himself to try to get to know me and my friends instead of judging us! How can you even stand yourselves?!

If God wanted us all to be the same, He would've made us that way! He made us different so we could learn from each other! Your ignorance, fear and hate has driven someone to try to kill two people who just wanted to live life and love who they loved. I pray that you see the error of your ways, ask God for forgiveness and that those two amazing people wake up." Sam yelled. 

Bucky's family and friends all looked down in shame and guilt because they all knew that he was right. 

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