(24) waking up & forgiveness

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Two months later,

Dr Bennett a family friend to Sam's family, called Rashad to tell him that both Bucky and Lia had awoken. Amalia immediately called James and Winnie to meet them at the hospital. 

James and Winnie went to Bucky's room, and he was suprised to see them. 

"First we are happy that you are awake. And secondly we wanted to say how sorry we are for not supporting you and Aurelia. We shouldn't of judged her just because she is a person of color." James said 

"Where is she?" He said in a weak voice. 

"We will take you to her." Winnie said 

They helped him get into a wheelchair and pushed him to her room. When they got to her room the Barnes also apologized to her. 

Dr Bennett came in with Dr Sanchez, "Good morning, I just have one question." He said 

"Whats that?". Bucky said 

Aurelia began to hyperventilate when she remembered what happened. Bucky cupped her cheek.

"Look at me baby Im right here I got you relax." He said as he memories began to flood his mind. 

"I remember everything." He said as he went to pale. 

"We want you both to come see me once a week." Dr Sanchez said 

"Can we come together?" Aurelia said 

"Yes you can. But until you are discharged we will do them." Dr Sanchez said 

"Thank you." Bucky said 

Awhile later their friends came by to visit. 

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