(4) Enemies&Jr Year

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1 year later

Junior year had began, Bucky and his crew were walking the halls when he bumped into Aurelia and knocking her backwards. 

"Hey! Watch it next time!" She yelled

"I don't have to watch anything black trash. You were in my way." He said 

Aurelia was wearing a Chanel outfit that her parents had gotten her over the summer. 

"Did you steal your outfit from somewhere? There is no way your family can actually afford that." Cynthia said as she and the other girls laughed as they walked off. 

Aurelia's friends helped her up, Sam said "Have they not seen your car?" 

"I guess not." She said as she dusted herself off. 

Later on during third period it was her chemistry class. Mr Jack called Aurelia when she raised her hand to answer his question. When she got it correct, Bucky looked at her. 

"Did you cheat off someone?" He said which had everyone laughing. 

She cut him a dirty look, and he whispered "Oo Im so scared." 

"Mr Barnes thats enough or you will be in detention." Mr Jack said before continuing with the lecuture. 

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