(6) Are You Kidding Me?

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A week later, 

Bucky and Aurelia were sitting in Home Economics when their teacher Mrs Gordon began to pair up her students. 


"Ugh, this blows. Why did you have to cry to Fury?" He said 

Mrs Gordon passed out fake birth certificates and marriage licenses. 

"Everyone will spend the next two weeks taking care of a baby and fake married." She said as she gave out rings. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Bucky blurted out. 

"Mr Barnes language." Mrs Gordon said 

They filled out the fake marriage license, and birth certificate she let Bucky named their son. When she read what he wrote she smirked and rolled her eyes. 

"James Buchanan Barnes Jr real original." She said 

"His nickname is JJ." He said as he pointed to the nickname. 

"Still makes you look a bit full of yourself." She said 

"Anyways, whats your number? It probably won't be a good idea if you stay with me." He said as the bell rung. 

They exchanged numbers and went to their next period. Aurelia agreed to let him stay with her foe the next two weeks. James and Winnie were going to be out of town. 

That night Bucky told his parents he was staying with Steve while they were gone. While Aurelia was honest and open with her parents about Bucky and the struggles she has had with him. 

"Maybe God did this for a reason, racist behavior is learned. Maybe being around you will change him. So just give him chance sweetheart." Amalia Saunders said 

"I will try mama." She said 

Bucky packed up what he needed and came over. Aurelia introduced him to her family and intimidated by Rashad who is her father. They put him in the guest bedroom by her room. 

The next day, at lunch Cynthia and Bucky share a steamy kiss. "By the way my parents are out of town this week. So you can come stay with me." She said as she ran her hand over his crotch. 

He gulped, "I can't Cyn baby." He said as he stopped her hand. 

"Why?" She said 

"Because Fury has made every teacher make me partners with Aurelia Saunders. So now I have to stay with her on this dumb baby project." He said 

She cut Aurelia a dirty glare across the lunchroom, "Forget that black bitch baby and come stay with me." She said 

"What part of I can't do you not understand Cyn. You have no idea what I could lose if I don't." He aaid as he got up and left. 

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