(34) Prom King & Queen

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1 month later,

It was the night of senior prom, the seniors had all voted on the theme before Spring break. The winning theme was "Out of This World." The prom comittee went above and beyond with the decor for prom. 

Bucky and the crew met at Aurelia's house for photos before they all went to dinner, and again for the girls to be able to change out of their dinner dresses into their actual prom dresses for more photos. When they all arrived anyone who was on Prom court had to be part of the group photo for the yearbook. 

After everyone arrived the party started in the venue. Selfies and memories were made at prom as everyone mingled and danced. The school counselor and principal walked up on stage to announce the winners. The junior prince and princess was announced then they began to announce who won king and queen. 

"Your Prom King and Queen is Aurelia Saunders and James Barnes IV." 

The room erupted into cheers and claps as they walked up to the stage. They had their crowns and stashes put on. Everyone cleared the dance floor so the winners could take centerstage for their dance. 

The DJ started up, "Tennessee Whiskey" by Chris Stapleton. 

After prom was over, Sam was hosting their own after party at his house. Everyone went home amd changed out of their formal wear and into something more comfortable. At the party they all did karaoke and talked about all the good times they have had now that their senior year is coming to a close. 

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