(14) First Dates&Football

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A week later,

Bucky picked her up for their first date. 

"Have her home by 1130 James." Rashad said as Aurelia came down the stairs. 

"Yes sir." Bucky said 

He gave red roses to Aurelia, "Buck thank you." She said 

Amalia took them, "I'll put these in water for you Lia. Have fun you two." Amalia said

Bucky and Aurelia left for their date. 

They went to the local aracde after they had dinner and played games together. He was the perfect gentlemen all night, as they flirted and talked all night. 

He won her a few prizes, and when he took her home. Before he walked her to the front door he leaned in and gave her first kiss. He cupped her cheek as they deepend the kiss. 

"I better walk you to the door." He said 

She smiled at him, "Yeah." She said 

He walked her up to the door, and gave her one last kiss. "Goodnight Lia." He said 

"Goodnight Bucky." She said as she went inside. 

Two weeks after their first date they went on another date to a college football game. University pf Alabama vs UGA. Bucky got them matching attire for the game and they took a bunch of selfies before the game and after the game. 

After the game was over, and they went by his place since his parents were out of town. They had a steamy make out session in his bedroom before he took her home. 

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