(10) Break Ups and Celebrations

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A week later

Bucky and Aurelia turned in their baby and rings. 

"Okay, lets see." Mrs Gordon said as she looked at the program the school uses to determine if the baby had been neglected. 

"You two passed with a A+." Mrs Gordon said

They both smiled at each other when they got out in the hallway they high fived each othrr. 

"Video games and pizza on me tonight." Bucky said 

"I'm down for that." She said 

"I'll see you next period." He said as they hugged. 

"See you then." She said and they went their separate ways. 

Bucky found his crew, "Finally that dumb project is over..what the hell is that?" She said when she saw his necklace. He had bought himself a cross necklace. 

"Its my necklace." He said 

"You aren't going to be friends with that thing anymore." Cynthia said 

"I will friends with who I want Cynthia." He said

"I am your girlfriend!" She snapped 

"Yeah about that, we are done. I have realized what we have is superficial and I want something real." He said 

"You mean with worthless piece of trash." She said adding the n word at the end. 

"See this is why we are breaking up, you and I are two different people. She isn't trash either, she is smart and gorgeous. Im glad Fury made us partners cause it made me see how horrible I have been to Lia." He said 

"You were singing a different tune two weeks ago." She said 

"Well I found God and I have changed for the better. So maybe you should go out and find out what is your reasoning for hating on people of color. Now goodbye forever." He said and went to class. 

As he walked she whispered "We are done when I say we are done." 

Mr Fury called Bucky to his office during lunch to let him know that his mid term grades and teacher notes were outstanding and he was passing all his classes. He knew Aurelia would keep him straight. 

That night they made cookies and let her parents know about their good grades. 

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