(17) We Don't Want You With That Thing

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1 month later,

Bucky and Aurelia decided to come out with their relationship alot of class mates were supportive while others weren't. The ones who were supportive were of them were happy. While others looked at them with disgust. 

Later that afternoon Clint was over at the Rogers' household. Steve and Clint began to talk about Bucky and Lia. Sarah overheard the  conversation between Clint and Steve about Bucky and Lia being together. She immediately called Winnie and told her what she heard. 

Winnie told James, and his blood began to boil. James confronts Bucky as he is about to leave for dinner with Lia and her parents. 

"I hope Sarah misheard Steve and Clint and you arent dating a black girl." James said

"I am and I love her. I don't care what you have to say." He said 

"Son you better check yourself and remember who you are talking to." James said adding he doesn't want him with that n word. 

"I don't care what you say and personally Im glad I no longer sound like that." He said and walked out. 

James balled up his fists and immediately called his father to tell him what just happened. While Bucky went to have dinner with Aurelia and her family. 

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