(38) Queen of His Heart

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A year later,

It was finally the day of their wedding, everyone was gathered at the church. 

The church DJ began to play "From The Ground Up" Dan+Shay as the grandparents walked dowm the aisle. "Found My Angel" by Sharis Rhodes began to play as the parents came down the aisle. 

When the pastor Bucky and his groomsmen entered "You" by Raheem Devaughn played. When it was time for the bridesmaids "God Must of Spent A Little More Time on You" by NSyNc

The flower girls and ring bearers came down first then the bridesmaids entered. Eliana was her maid of honor and Sam was the best man. Lia walked down the aisle with her dad to "I Do Cherish You." By 98 Degrees. 

Rashad gave her away, and kissed her cheek before taking his seat. Bucky and Lia started off the ceremony by exchanging their celibacy and purity rings. 

Pastor Richards, Bucky and Aurelia started to braid the three cords as Pastor Richards read Ecclesiastes 4:12 which states, "And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. "Once it completed, Pastor Richards placed on it's wooden board.

He then had Bucky and Aurelia walk over to the pieces of the unity cross on the table as Pastor Richards read Genesis 2:24"Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." Bucky held the base of the cross has Lia took the internal cross and placed it inside of his. Then together they both put the screws in the base signifying unity and becoming one. Pastor Richards said, "James you may place the ring on Aurelia's finger and then Aurelia you may place the ring on James finger." Sam handed Bucky Lia's band as Eliana handed Aurelia handed her Buck's band. They placed the rings on each other's fingers.

"The couple has elected to say their own vows, so Aurelia your groom has asked for you to go first," Pastor Richards said. Lia took a breath, grabbed Buck's hand and looked him in his gorgeous eyes that make her melt.


"James, My love, when we first met you know that I wanted nothing to do with you. So when we were partnered in Psychology class, I was less than thrilled especially after you insulted me. But I'm grateful for that because the best thing came out of it. Principal Fury and Assistant Principal Hill, who is here today forced us to be paired up in all the we had together, projects and study hall. But the moment we were paired in Home Economics to do the marriage and baby project changed my life. Those two weeks that we spent together, I found myself connecting deeper with someone other than my family and friends. I thought something was wrong with you, when you started to be nice to me. Finding out that you had accepted Christ into your life, prayed to God, asked for forgiveness and vowed to be better after going to church with me and my family turned you into the man of my dreams. You took to my friends immediately after changing even though they weren't sure of your intentions. But you stayed constant, consistent and showed us all who you really are. You embraced all that I am including my vow of chastity and not once made me feel bad for making that decision. Instead you not only supported me, but you joined me. I had already loved you by then, but the day I watched you take the vow of celibacy not only for yourself, but for me I fell completely and madly in love with you. I'm so thankful that I listened to my parents and gave you a chance. They were right when they said God put is together for a reason." She took a breath as tears fell down her face. Buck had to hold back a sob as tears of his own fell down his face. "That horrific day, I realized that God didn't just send you to me to love me. But He sent you and molded you to be my guardian angel. You didn't hesitate to jump in front of me and take those bullets. There's not been another man in my life other than my friends and family that would go through so much to protect me." Buck put his head down as he started sobbing. All you could hear was sniffling through the sanctuary. Lia reached out, cupped his cheek with her hand, lifted his head and looked him directly into his eyes with more love than she could ever give. "You were willing to lay down your life for me without a second thought. As we laid on the ground waiting for help, I quietly prayed to God in that moment. That if He saved us, that I would love you and protect you the way you did for me. That He wouldn't lead us to each other only to lose one another. But after getting past all the hurt, I realized He used what happened to us to heal our community. We became His disciples while laying there in those hospital beds. I asked God at first why He let it happen, but He told me it had to happen in order for us to be standing here today about to be husband and wife. And for the blending and healing of all of our friends and family. I'm thankful that He loved us and believed in us so much that He used our relationship to change the world." Buck watched lovingly as she took his other hand in hers and kissed the top of it. Everyone was shocked because they didn't think that Aurelia would be the type to kiss Buck's hand. He was always the one doing it out in public. "I love you and I'm completely in love with you for multiple reasons. You are my safe place, my protector, my best friend, my partner, my study buddy, competitor in sports and videogames. But most of all you are the one and only love of my life. I'm so glad that I made that decision to save myself for my husband because God gave me more than I could ever dream of in a man by creating you just for me. You are loving, kind, sensitive, funny, strong, a blast to hang with and my favorite travel, movie and sports watching buddy. I was never the girl to dream of her wedding day or believe in Prince Charming until the day you asked me to be yours. Finding out that you went to the all the men that are the closest to me to ask for permission to date me and then ask for my hand in marriage just took my breath away. The respect you have not only for me, but for my family and friends made me fall even more in love with you. Thank you for listening to God, allowing Him into your heart so that He could allow you into mine. So from this day forward and the rest of our lives, I will continue to love you with everything in me, to be there for you, hold you and encourage you when you need it. To be faithful and true to you. To always tell you the truth in love because know I always want the best for you. To protect you from hurt and harm. To take care of you and our future babies. To be your best friend and your safe haven. To always put you first even when we start a family because your happiness is mine. Baby we are unbreakable. The Bible says in Mark 10:9 that, "What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate." We were and are destiny because not even some bullets could break us apart." More tears fell down Buck's face hearing her words. She wiped her tears and his as she began to speak again. "I will honor, trust and submit myself to you as God has ordered, but I know I will be ok because He created, shaped and molded you into the man He called you to be. I know that you won't lead me into darkness, that you have and will always have my back so I'm relinquishing some of my independence to allow you to be the head of our house. I also know that you will walk beside me instead of in front of me. You treat me as your equal, your Queen and the other half of you. So James Buchanan Barnes, I love you far more than words could ever describe and I'm so happy that God chose you to be my first everything, but most of all my husband and life partner. I will proudly wear your last name and make sure that every day that I take a breath that I'm honoring you." Buck choked back a sob as he kissed the palm of her hand that was still cupping his cheek. He took a deep breath to collect himself. She wiped his tears with her free hand as he took his vows from Desmond.

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