(5) I Can't Stand Him

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Two weeks later,

"Barnes! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? THATS THE WRONG PLAY." Coach Jones yelled 

"I didn't do it Wilson did?" He said 

"I did not! You ran the wrong play and now you are trying to blame me." Sam said 

"No it was you!" Bucky said as he pointed his finger into his chest. 

"Don't touch me man." Sam said as he pushed him away. 

"Don't push me!" Bucky said as he pushed him.

The coaches broke them apart, "WILSON AND BARNES THATS ENOUGH! TAKE 5 YOU TWO AND COOL OFF!" Coach Jones said 

Sam walked off, and got some water. "Man Im about 2 seconds from kicking his butt if he doesn't stop with his attitude." Sam said to his friends. 

"He's nothing but a big headed jerk." Desmond said 

"Lets go Wilson get your black ass in line." Bucky yelled. 

Sam just cut him evil glares the rest of practice and Bucky did too. 

The next day during second period which is Aurelia's and Bucky's pyschology class. Their teacher Ms Parker began to pair everyone up for a project. 

"Aurelia Saunders and James Barnes." Ms Parker said 

"Oh hell no! I don't want to be partnered with a black, low life loud dumb whore." Bucky said 

Aurelia walked over to him, and slapped him. "The only low life loud dumb whore is you who puts his insecure little dick in anything that walks." She said 

"I wouldn't sleep with you even if I was paid a million dollars." He said 

"Thats funny, you weren't saying that when I saw you staring at my chest or my behind!" She said 

Bucky turned red, "Thats what I thought! Since I'm such a low life dumb whore you can do all the work yourself." Aurelia said 

She begins to walk out, she is pissed cause she has one of the highest GPA's in their class, she doesnt flirt and is a virgin. She got down to the Principal Fury's office to have her schedule changed but he refused to do it. 

He has the assistant principal Maria Hill bring in Bucky, "Mr Barnes if you don't work with Aurelia civilly you can kiss your captain spots goodbye and you won't be on the football field or basketball court again." Fury said 

"And Ms Saunders if you don't comply then you will be out of the running for class valedvictorian." Maria said 

Fury sends out a email to all their teachers to pair them together for the rest of the year. They both leave pissed 

"You are doing all the work." Bucky said 

"Like hell I am, you must be trippin' if you think that. I will gladly let you fail." She said and walked off. 

"Fucking black bitch." He whispered under his breathe. 

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