(35) Graduation Day and A Surprise

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"This next speaker, I am overjoyed and extremely proud to announce. She graduates today with a 4.6 GPA. She's also graduating with honors and is apart of the National Honor Society. She was the captain of the Debate Team. The captain of the girls volleyball and basketball teams. Crowned Homecoming and Prom Queen. Voted Ms. High School, the best smile and most likely to succeed by her peers. She will be attending the University of Alabama on full academic and athletic scholarships. Ladies and gentleman, I would like for you to give an a round of applause for your Valedictorian, Ms. Aurelia Zhuri Saunders," Principal Fury said.

"Thank you Principal Fury, and to my class mates we did it! We are finally here at a fork in the road where we choose which path we will make. A path that will set us on to the next chapter of our lives and our future. From here we are no longer under the thumb of our parents but with that being said I hope all of us will make good choices and remember everything we taught by our teachers, parents and wise adults in our life. Anytime we fall off we stand back up, dust ourselves off and get back on track. Life is all about choices and today I hope all of use choose the right path that will lead us to good things and a bright future. And I will leave you all with this a bible verse I came across while writing my speech. 

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young. Instead set an example for the believers through your speech, behavior and faith 1 Timothy 4:12" 

Everyone clapped and cheered as she stepped down. Bucky kissed her cheek when she sat down beside him. 

"You did great baby." He whispered. 

"This next young man is the epitome of redemption and second chances. I'm so proud of everything that he has accomplished since attending school here. Today he graduates with honors, a 4.0 GPA, is a member of the National Honor Society, was captain of the football and basketball teams that took us to the state finals. He was crowned Homecoming and Prom King. Voted Mr. High School and best eyes by his peers. And he will be attending the University of Alabama on full academic and athletic scholarships. I would like to everyone to welcome, Mr. James Buchanan Barnes III," said Principal Fury. "Thank you Principal Fury. Also thank you and Assistant Principal Hill for what you did for me."

Everyone clapped and cheered. 

"Will the Valedictorian please join me?"

Aurelia stood and walked up to Buck. He turned to her and grabbed her hands. "Lia,

Two years ago if you had told me that I would be dating and in love with a woman of color, I would've laughed at you. My racist and prejudice words and actions caused me to be so blind. But last year when we were paired to be each other's partner in all the classes we had together, to study together and do the baby and marriage project together the blindfold was pulled completely off.

It became a true blessing in disguise. There I realized that not only are you gorgeous on the outside, but you are even more beautiful on the inside. Add that on top of being incredibly intelligent, funny, cool to hang with, loves sports and is the best kind of friend to have made you the perfect girl in my eyes.

You tell me the truth in love and keep me on my toes always. Doll face, you saved me because without you I without a doubt would've been lost. Despite how I mistreated you in the beginning, you still gave me the benefit of the doubt. I can't thank you enough because you became the best friend I've ever had.

After that you became the love of my life. It is how you carry yourself, the respect and your beliefs that made me love you even more. I thank God that He created you just for me. Your patience, warmth, grace and forgiveness melted my cold heart.

I know we are young, but I know in my heart and that God told me you're the woman for me. I truly believe that God gave me a second chance at life last year so that I could have the chance to love you forever and that's exactly what I plan to do. Since it all started here for us, I felt it was only right to do this here and now as we embark on our new journey together to college.

So Aurelia Zhuri Saunders, my love, will you make me the happiest man on this earth and be my wife?"

She wiped tears, and shook her head yes as she whispered "yes." 

He slipped the ring on her finger then stood up to kiss her. Everyone clapped, cheered and whistled. 

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