(18) A Vow of His Own

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Two weeks later,

Bucky was having a guy's night with Lia's crew. They were all pigging out on pizza and wings, and playing video games. Bucky and Desmond realize they had met before Desmond was the little boy in the park. 

"So about this vow of chastity..how do you all cope?" He said 

"Yeah I am single, but my brother's story is enough to remind me to wait. He had a girlfriend that claimed she was pregnant by him. It turned out to not be true that she had been cheating. So because of that I chose to stay single." Sam said 

"Why are you asking? Are you thinking about doing a vow of celibacy?" Desmond said 

"Yeah Ive been thinking about it." He said 

"We'll support you and help you through it." Sam said 

"Thanks." He said 

A few weeks later, 

Buck and their crew were standing around talking in the sanctuary when Buck saw Pastor Richards was free.

 "Babe, I'll be right back. I'm going to go talk to Pastor Richards." Bucky said

 "O-Oh ok." Aurelia said Buck kissed her cheek then made his way to Pastor Richards.

"Um Pastor Richards sir?" Bucky saidn

"Yes, young man?" Pastor Richards said 

"Um I was wondering how I would go about taking a vow of celibacy." Bucky said 

"Ok, but before we discuss that, can I ask what brought you to this decision?" Pastor Richards said 

"Well sir I was paired with a girl at school for the baby and marriage project. I had to live with her for two weeks while we took care of the baby and had to pretend to be married at home and at school. While I was staying with her, she and her family brought me here to church. Before then I had never been to church. After hearing your message about Loving Thy Neighbor, I went home that night, prayed for the first time, asked God for forgiveness and vowed to be better which I have." Bucky said 

 "What did you ask for forgiveness for?" Pastor Richards asked Buck swallowed hard.

: "Racism, prejudice, bullying, sex, drugs, alcohol and partying. That's all I've ever known because of my family and former friends." Bucky said as tears started to well in Buck's eyes as he puts his head down in shame.

"But after being paired with her and being around her, her family and her friends who also attend church here, I've changed. I've pulled completely away from those friends and my family because what they believe isn't what I believe anymore. I've gained new friends, reconnected with a biracial guy who I wanted to be friends with before my family put those awful things about people of color in my head and I fell in love with that girl who I was paired with. A whole ago, she took a vow of chastity along with our friends. Even though I'm not a virgin, I love her with my whole heart, respect her and I want to wait for her because she's 100% worth it. So I was wondering if you could help me with this." PR: "Well to God be the Glory! And yes son, I would be more than happy to do this for you. Pastor Sparks, could you help me with this?" Bucky said 

"Yes sir!" Pastor Richards said

Buck pulled out the celibacy ring he bought right after talking to the guys and handed it to Pastor Richards. They were shocked because Buck came prepared to do this. Pastor Sparks opened the anointing oil and handed it to Pastor Richards.

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