(20) Hate Wins

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Three weeks later,

Bucky and Aurelia were heading home after they both had basketball practice. They had called in a carryout order for pizza and wings since Rashad and Amalia were working late. They had gome inside together. 

"Cal is our order ready." Bucky said to the owner. 

"Just a few more minutes." Cal said 

They waited and talked to a few other customers. Cal's wife Lydia came out from the back with their order. They paid and headed back out the door towards Bucky's car. When they heard a gun click. 

"Die you filthy black bitch." 

They both turned around to see a dark figure Bucky dropped the pizza and wings as he jumped in front of Aurelia. He took three shots and two of them were through and through. They hit Aurelia as well. 

The shadowy figure ran off into a car as Cal called 911 as Lydia ran over to Bucky and Lia. She quickly snapped a photo of the license plate. EMTs rushed to the scene and got them both on stretchers and rushed them to the ER. 

When they arrive, Rashad and Amalia are called to get to the hospital immediately. Bucky's familu is contacted as well as the Wilsons and their friend group as well. 

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