(3) Created A Monster

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3 years later

Bucky and Aurelia attend the same highschool, and are now sophomores. 

"It looks the Panthers QB Quincy Baker is down!." The announcer said 

Coach Jones runs out on the field as all the players take a knee. 

"Coach...I can't see its all blurry and my legs are numb.." Quincy said 

Coach Jones motions for the EMTs, and he said "Baker we are going to get you checked out okay! You took a hard tackle." 

The EMTs rushed him off the field on a stretcher. 

"Baker is out! Who is Coach Jones going to put in?" The announcer said 

Coach Jones looked at his roster, and walked over to Bucky. "Barnes get out there." He said 

"Yes sir." He said as he put his helmet and mouth guard in. 

"It looks like he has chosen his JV QB Bucky Barnes." The announcer said 

Bucky wins them the game by ten points, that night after the game he attends a party. Where the varsity players pamper him while he gets drunk and high. They introduce him to Cynthia a varsitu cheerleader, they flirt dance and get drunk together. 

By the end of the night she takes him upstairs, and gives him head as well as takes his virginity. They end up spending the whole weekend together having multiple rounds of sex. 

Cynthia and Bucky show up to school together becoming the hot new couple. One of Bucky's black class mates accidentally bumps into him. 

"Watch where you are going." He said adding in the n word at the end. 

"Really? Don't you know who this is?! The new starting QB Bucky Barnes." Cynthia added

"Nobody really cares how popular he is when he is a racist piece of shit." Keisha said 

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