(26) Its A Great Day for BBQ

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1 month later,

Amalia and Rashad decided to host a BBQ for all Aurelia and Bucky's friends and their parents. They also invited Bucky's immediate family as well. James and Winnie had been working on friendships with them and attending church. 

The teenagers were all having a blast in the pool playing basketball in it and some were playing chicken trying to knock each other over. Winnie was helping Amalia in the kitchen.

"Your family seems so close.." she said 

"We are, we do alot of stuff as a family. We have family game night, movie night and family vacatipns. We are at everý extra curricular activity the kids may have." Amalia said 

"Wow.." Winnie said 

"Also our faith in God, and we have Sunday dinners with the family and have dinner at 6PM everynight. When we come through the front doors we leave work life at the door and enjoy our kkids and our time together. Every two years we have a family reunion."malia said 

"I need to start implementing all that to bring my family closer." Winnie said as she sipped her lemonade. 

Back outside, James and Rashad were talking over at the grill. 

"Man what rubs do you use cause all that smells delicous." James said 

Rashad chuckled, "That is all the Misses, you will have to ask her. I just throw it all on the grill." Rashad said 

James and Winnie talked all the way home about how happy they were to see Bucky so happy. They also talked about all the changes they wanted to make in their house hold. 

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