(25) Discharged & Welcome Back

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A week later,

Bucky and Aurelia were discharged from the hospital. When they arrived at her parents house the house was filled with family and friends to surprise them with a welcome home party. They began playing music. 

Welcome Back - John Sebastian Welcome Back - Bruno Mars All Roads Lead Home - Ohana Bam Carry Me Home - Sohn Home - Daughtry Never Wave My Flag - Mary Mary Family Affair - Mary J. Blige 

At some point during the party, James and Winnie pulled him aside. 

"That car out there parked by your mother's is your new car. We got you a new one since the old was riddled with bullet holes." James said 

Bucky was shocked, "Thank you." He said 

"Also honey we have been speaking with Dr Bennett and Dr Sanchez we all agree that for now you can stay with Lia so your PTSD doesn't get triggered." Winnie said 

He smiled, "Okay." He said 

They both hugged him then they went back to the party. When they returned to school everyone vreeted them with a warm reception. There was cheers, and claps as they came through the door. Their friends had given them hugs and showed them how they decorated their lockers. 

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