2| pot calling the kettle black

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"Did you do it?" He asked his secretary over the phone.

"Yes, Sir and am pleased to say, she bought the whole thing. I had to come up with a company name so I thought of Santes, you know Sandoval Cervantes. I was scared at first that she might figure out you were behind it but she didn't. Mission accomplished, Sir", Ryan, his secretary boomed.

He hung up, atleast pleased that everything went according to plan. He didn't want to celebrate yet. His secretary Ryan Suenos had a thing for screwing up. And how he had prayed that Ryan didn't mess this one up too.

Even as he drove his BMW X5 around Los Angeles, he couldn't fathom if what he was doing was madness or sheer and more madness.

As the traffic light up above hit red, his car came to a halt, his eyes looking at the city past his windscreen and as if the universe was giving him signs, a large billboard with a woman in nothing but a negligee smiled at him biting her bottom lip in this sexy way that drove men crazy.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. She always called him a bastard, someone who made poor choices but looking at the billboard now, Jessica Davis was the one making poor choices in life and not him.

Her picture was broadcasted in the middle of a busy street. Her ginger hair stormy than ever and her skin oooh her skin glowed. The lingerie she had worn didn't hide anything quite the contrary really, it left nothing to a horny man's imagination.

Just below her right covered breast was a small tattoo and right by her waist she had a tiny mole. As Seth's eyes traveled down her body, he found yet another tattoo at her left thigh and if he had noticed all this from one picture of her, how many more men had seen her?

Seth couldn't understand her at all. She was Paul Davis' daughter for God's sake. She graduated top in the biggest universities around the world and she resorted to modelling?

Showcasing her entire body to the entire men's population was her dream?

No matter, he tried not to judge her. He tried to look at the brighter sides of things. He was going to spend an entire month with her so he might as well start trying to look for the good in Jessica Davis.

Traffic receded and before he knew it, he was outside his parents' house driving his car along the driveway.

Being back in the Cervantes mansion never did him any good. It was like facing all the bad memories at once and actually pretending that he was okay with everything.

Except he wasn't okay with anything at all. Did he love his parents and his sister? Yes, a lot actually. The trouble with his family was that they had a lot of drama and he never liked drama.

For starters his mother, Mikaella Sandoval Cervantes, seemed to be caught in a debacle having two men love her and secretly loving them both. All of LA knew the tale of Roman Cervantes and Marcus Pierce and if they didn't, well it meant they did have internet or they didn't have time for gossip.

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