Chapter 3 - School trip

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After your visit some time back, seeing your three little friends had become a mundane thing, for a while.

You would go see them once every week and play together for time on end.

You'd keep them company and help them get used to the new environment.

The small sea creatures had slowly started to warm up to the aquarium's employees. Mainly your guardian, since they always saw you with them. Then, their coworkers.

After a while, once the pandemonium regarding all the transferring and arrangements with the mer-children's families had finally cooled down, you had started to visit less and less.

Without the excuse of helping the three, and keeping them serene, it was difficult for your guardian to sneak you in during their work hours.

Also, you would soon have to start going to school, and after that, you'll have even less time to go see them.

You felt really sad, and even refused to go to school at first. But your teachers and other children were nice, so you didn't actually have any reason not to go.

Quite a while had passed from the last time you saw them, and that was obvious from your behavior.

Your guardian had noticed your damped mood, and had also tried to cheer you up with whatever would come to mind.

In parallel to your lack of spirit, the three mer-beings: Azul, Jade and Floyd, were also influenced by the impossibility of seeing you.

Azul had started to close into himself, Jade seemed pretty much the same, but actually became more quiet; Floyd, opposite to his brother, had started to throw fits whenever he could.

Then, came an idea.


You were rushing out of school after the last bell. All the other kids getting picked up by their parents.

As you looked around, you saw your guardian walking up to your teacher and striking up a conversation with her.

You were confused as you tip-toed toward them, wondering about what your guardian was oh so intently illustrating to the lady in front of them.

You called out to your guardian, a little hesitant. They turned toward you and your teacher smiled a little as you fiddled with your small hands.

"Hi there, dear. They were just talking to me about something." She gave a small nod to your guardian and turned away with a wave.

"Shall we go home, little one?" You looked up at the adult in front of you and tilted your head to the side. As if you were asking what that was about.

They just smiled and took the little backpack off your shoulders, not answering your unspoken question.

Then, they took your hand and took off walking.


"Okay children, we teachers have been discussing with each other on a possible school trip." Your teacher, a dark blonde, middle-aged lady, said to you and the other children from your class.

"In the end we opted for the TW Octavinelle Aquarium. Since it's giving discounts to all visitors under the age of ten, we thought it would be more affordable, other then being a wonderful place for you to visit." She smiled sweetly while looking at all the children.

All of them had started chattering excitedly. You, on the other hand, had your eyes open wide.

Once the middle-aged woman's gaze halted on your figure, her smile stretched a little more.

The other side of a glass tank - Octavinelle (& Twisted Wonderland) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now