Chapter 9 - Merry Christmas to us

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"I wanna have this Cris-max with you!" Floyd whined loudly.

"It's 'Christmas'- but yes we want to spend it with you, we're family!" Azul corrected him before clinging harder onto your arm and sobbing.

"Please." Jade added to the request, tightly attached to your torso. He had started to be way more open with his affection lately.

But the question was...

How did it come to this?


Only a couple of days remained before winter holidays started. You were helping the trio with some homework while your guardian was a little away from you, on a desk, writing down on some documents.

"Now comes the big break period. School's finally over." The whiny eel slumped over his unfinished homework.

"School isn't 'over'. During this time of the year there are multiple human festivities. So they have holidays." Azul said while quickly snatching away his notebook with a tentacle, before it could be crushed by Floyd.

"We have the 'new year' festivity but I'm pretty sure they also have another." Jade said to his twin as he kept his eyes on the paper in front of him. He turned his gaze toward you and when you nodded he put an x on the right answer to the English question.

"That's right. There's Christmas as well." You said while poking Floyd's cheek. He finally got up and grabbed onto your hand, burying his face onto your palm. They are so small!

"What ya do for chriiis- that?" He said with a muffled voice, still squished against your hand.

"We use it as an excuse to bring together our families and exchange gifts. We also feast with lots of food and sing Christmas songs. Some better than others..." You mumbled the last part and cringed a little.

"Is it like a birthday?" The calm twin asked and his brother finally moved his head away and looked at you as well.

"Not really, although I guess its original mean was to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ... With time it partially lost its religious side and It's more of a worldwide festivity now. There's Santa Claus' story as well." You explained as the kids looked at you curiously.

"Who's Santa Claus?" The chubby octopus asked.


Saying that they were weirded out was an understatement. Jade and Azul felt highly disturbed by your story. Floyd simply complained saying things of the likes of "If I had all of those cool things I'd keep 'em to myself." and "That sounds like a pain.".

"Well, the main tradition is to spend the eve and day with your family and those you hold dear. Me and my guardian always spend it together because we're family, but close friends count as well." You tried to quickly divert their attention from the Christmas legend.

"Then, we'd count as well?" The calmer eel asked you.

You chuckled and nodded. "Well, we're best friends right? Don't you see me as family? I'm going to be quite sad if you don't!" You joked and leaned your cheek against your hand, propping up on your elbows.

They all paled and then came the riot. Loud voices, tears and insisting...


You looked at your guardian in a panic as the three merboys climbed on your arms and torso.

They rubbed their temple and snorted when you let out a small, high-pitched yell. Floyd almost fell to the ground and you caught yourself from slipping as well when you grabbed him.

The other side of a glass tank - Octavinelle (& Twisted Wonderland) X ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant