Chapter 21 - Plans... and change of them

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Classes were over and you were currently in an empty classroom with the headmage and your new colleagues.

"Alright gentlemen, I've called you here to introduce our newest addition to the staff: Professor-" Crowley gleefully clapped his hands once and started with your introduction. You interrupted him when he got to your name and spoke to the other four men.

"...other than my name, Sir Crowley might have already told you about my job at the Octavinelle Aquarium and my curriculum." You smiled calmly and took a good look at the adults in front of you.

"Indeed, and I must say that you've already achieved much in such a short time. You're still more than fairly young. Regardless of that, you already know my name." Said Crewel, the black and white haired man, also the only one you had already met.

"It's surprising to have a youngster like yourself here, but I shall see before judging your abilities. The name's Mozun Trein, I teach History of magic and animal languages, and this is Lucius, my familiar." Spoke a strict looking man. By the looks of it, he was the oldest (human) of the staff. He had dark grey hair with lights stripes neatly drawn back and a mature and straight posture. About the familiar...

"Mroow~..." It was a chubby dark grey and white cat in his arms, who would randomly let out deep and lazy meows.

"It's my pleasure Mr. Trein. I'll do my best to keep the expectations. Oh, and, hello to you too, Lucius." You smiled softly and gave a polite nod.


"It's wonderful to have some fresh blood in our team!" Said a really muscular man with a fat laugh. Trein glared at him when hearing those words.

"I'm the athletic and amazingly healthy gym teacher- Ashton Vargas! Let's get along, newbie." The brown haired man grabbed both of your hands in an energetic handshake.

"Of course." You sweatdropped but kept your calm demeanor. After all, you were used of dealing with eccentric and upbeat individuals. Ahem... Floyd and Rielle...

"And I'm Sam, young fella! Owner of Mr. S's Mystery Shop, the school's store." Said a dark skinned man with magenta eyes and a long apron. He seemed to be the youngest between them, although still clearly older than you.

"I'll make sure to pass by when I need something." You smiled and shook his hand, he grinned happily.

"And I'm the gracious headmage Crowley! Ahem, Now that we're over with the introductions, let us get to business." The masked mage clapped once and turned to all of the men.

"Me and our esteemed professor have come up with a teaching schedule they could follow for this year's time." He explained while gesturing toward you with a hand.

"We gathered all of what my competences could permit me to present to a possible class. Which would go about marine life and merfolks' studies." You said and took out a folder with different materials you'd be able to cover for a lesson.

"We can't simply add a whole new subject to our normal school schedule." Crewel crossed his arms and deadpanned at Crowley.

"Our students will never agree to extra hours per day." Trein added and you nodded.

"Indeed. Reason why, it won't be obligatory. It'll serve as a supplementary course that'll give the possibility of gathering extra credits." You smiled calmly and Crowley nodded.

"The students will be free to sign themselves up and will participate in a two hours lesson every Saturday. They'll be held at 10 AM, so to give our scholars the time to rest at bit more, for I am immensely kind." He opened his arms wide as he spoke gleefully.

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