Chapter 74 - Help's warmth

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"So you're telling me..." Crewel was pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation, keeping his eyes closed.

"That the headmage requested a magicless student to resolve a problem caused by his incompetence... and now you must, rightfully, intervene to salvage the future of said student and all of the other irresponsible pups involved." He summarized the situation, looking back up to meet your resigned smile.

"Indeed. So I'd be extremely grateful if you could assist me before Yuu's deadline is met." You slightly bowed your head as you politely repeated your request.

"Sigh... that irresponsible man-child." The black-and-white haired man exhaled deeply, looking distressed as he gave a weak and vague nod.

"Yes, of course. This also involves the mere sum of 250 students or so... hence, it can't be helped. Your patience is very much inhumane, pup." The chemistry teacher told you with a tired expression.

"Ah, thank you so much, professor Crewel." You smiled in appreciation as the fashionable man began to remove his large fur-coat, now being in his black-and-white vest and dark dress shirt.

"As I've said, just Crewel is fine. Now, we better start working on this potion. I'll get the materials ready." Crewel casually said as he set his lush piece of clothing onto a chair by his desk, and went to get two pairs of safety glasses from a closet inside the classroom.

"I already got all the ingredients from both the botanical garden and Mr. Sam's shop." You informed as you nodded and also took off your jacket to get one of the lab coats instead.

"I see you got your homework done." The potionology expert hummed in approval as he grabbed a wooden stirrer and came to your side.

"I'll take care of the most delicate steps, you'll simply need to assist me." He said, getting his lab wear on, and you gave a nod of understanding.

. . .

Things were going fairly smoothly.

To be fair, Crewel was doing pretty much all the hard work. You were simply asked to pass him the right ingredients, adjust the temperature with magic or crush some other components with a mortar.

"Ah, a moment. I think we're missing something." The dual haired man said, reading through the list of ingredients you had prepared, which he held in one hand.

His other one was busy continuously stirring the potion, that seemed to be on its final stages of preparation.

"Oh, really? But I was sure I got everything the potionology book required." You furrowed your brows, feeling some rising concern as you hoped this wouldn't throw to waste all the work done until now.

"I'm fairly certain to have some of it in the closet, here. Although to retrieve it I'll ask to have you stir in my stead. You see, this passage necessitates not to stop for a certain amount of time." The elegant teacher requested, his arm still effortlessly following that same circular motion he had been making for a while now.

"But of course. I'm just glad we didn't have to call it quits." You smiled with relief as you walked over to get beside him, ready to get hold of the stirrer.

Just as you did, instead of stepping away, Crewel moved to stand right behind you, letting his arms circle you as he positioned his gloved hands over your own, which were both holding onto the wooden object.

"This is the reccomanded speed for stirring. Just keep it up and never switch the clockwise direction." He instructed calmly as he guided you into doing the correct movement.

"Ah... yes, of course." You nodded softly, responding in a small voice before feeling the warmth against your back disappearing as the man headed toward the closet.

The other side of a glass tank - Octavinelle (& Twisted Wonderland) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now