Chapter 16 - Mistaken arrival

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You woke up in a dark and narrow place. While your body struggled to reacquire its sensibility, you started moving your hands, touching around, and realized to be in somewhere with a lid. A closed lid.

As your consciousness finally began to come back, panic started to rise up as well.

What was the last thing you remembered? You had said goodbye to Rielle and his father, then you saw something in the water which seemed to beckon you further in.

Was it a hand? You also heard two voices. One was the one calling you, the other instead, sounded distressed and in need for help. Finally, you remember falling into the water-

Wait. You started patting around your body. You're completely dry, not a sign of you falling into the sea. It came to mind that you had both your magical pen and the seashell necklace with you when it happened. You hoped you still had them.

Patting around a little more, you noticed you weren't wearing clothes that you were familiar with, making you panic even further. What made you calm down a bit was feeling the fountain pen by the side of your hip with your frenetic fingers. It was in a small, cold scabbard, which you assumed was made of some kind of metal. Then, your hand grazed over your chest. There, you could feel the necklace from under the weird robe you were wearing.

You sighed softly. You didn't know where you were or how specifically you had gotten in this unfamiliar "here". But knowing you had your magic you could count on, although not strong, gave you a least bit of reassurance.

Not being able to see, meaning not using one of your five senses, made your others more vigilant. As a matter of fact, you soon started picking out far away sounds. It appeared to be steps, accompanied by someone talking.

"Let us start with the ceremony's preparation! We shall gather all the new students in the Mirror Chamber." A somewhat upbeat male voice said.

"I'm aware of the procedures. We do this every year." Another male voice, which sounded kind of tired, responded curtly.

"Start with the gate over there. I'll get the ones on the other side." The same voice said and the other hummed in agreement.

You heard steps coming closer and the sound of a key clicking in a lock. The lid keeping you contained slowly opened. Your hand lingered over your pen in case you felt threatened.

"Hello, dear new student! I welcome you to Night Raven College!" A man dressed in dark and bizarre clothes who also wore a crow mask that covered the upper half of his face exclaimed loudly.

You blinked at the new light reaching your face and let your eyes readjust. "Night Raven College? But I can't be in..." You mumbled but the dark haired man was already walking away, toward another... coffin...(?)

"Pardon me! What am I doing here?" You hurriedly stepped out of the "gate" you were in and followed after the mysterious man. The latter stopped from turning his key into another coffin's lock and looked back at you.

"Whatever would you mean? You are here to attend as a student, of course. But wait... your magical pen-" The man was interrupted by another who was dressed in fancy black and white clothes. His hair was of dual colors, same as his clothing, and he also wore a bright red tie, which stood out.

"You've only opened one gate. How about you stop slacking off and start doing your job?" The handsome man scolded harshly.

"Please, Crewel. It seems like we have a little of a odd situation here." The masked man held his hands up in surrender and spoke quickly.

"And how so?" The man, now known as Crewel, crossed his arms and turned to you. He raised a brow and the other adult started again.

"This young fellow's magical pen isn't one that is usually given to our students. Also, pardon my asking, but are you of age for being a student?" The crow masked man tilted his head and brought his hand to his chin in a pensive manner.

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