Chapter 47 - The headmage's request

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"Man... If I can't be in the Spelldrive tournament, then what's even the point anymore?" Grim dejectedly slumped into the lounge's couch, exaggerating a sulk.

"Are you still upset about that?" Yuu sighed softly and sat beside him while holding a book in their hand.

In that moment, the three Ramshackle ghosts floated above them playfully. "What's wrong, Grimmy? Something got ya down?" The smaller one asked.

"He's sulking because he can't play in the Spelldrive tournament." The chubby spirit explained, "whispering" loudly to his companion.

"If you wanna play Spelldrive that badly, why, we can play with ya!" The skinny one exclaimed with his hands on his fading hips.

"I was the team captain ninety years ago, y'know. The girls in the stands couldn't get enough of me!" He proudly flaunted, holding his chin high.

"Yeah, but wouldn't we need seven people for each team?" The fiery monster asked with crossed arms and a plain look.

"It's not a real match, so who cares? Let's just play!"

"Play what?" You just so happened to walk into Ramshackle's lounge when you heard the small ghost's voice.

"Oh, welcome back, professor." The dark blonde immediately greeted you and the tiny beast looked over with raised brows.

"Where even were ya? Ya up and left the moment afternoon classes were done with." The latter asked and you showed a bitter smile.

"Sorry about that. Yesterday, on my way back from lunch break I escorted an injured student to the infirmary." You sighed and set your belongings down on the sofa.

"I wanted to go check on him." After explaining your reasons, the spotted skinned prefect made a small hum of understanding.

"I see. And about your question... we were talking about Spelldrive." They then answered your previous query.

"Would you join us, Teach'? That way we can play three versus three." The chubby spirit popped up from behind you and asked.

"Oh! Hahaha, sure, why not? I haven't played Spelldrive in centuries." You got slightly startled by the appearance but soon chuckled and agreed. You had learned the game with the mer trio and Rielle quite some time aback, it has indeed been a while.

"Myah. 'Aight then! Gotta show my skills somehow!"


"Well then. Do you know the rules?" You smiled and stood beside Grim and Yuu, while the three ghosts lined up, opposite to you.

"I got the gits of it." The magicless prefect said while warming up their legs and arms with simple stretches, it was clear they were quite athletic.

"I just gotta throw this thing in that other thing at the end of the court, yeah?" The grey creature held the disc over his head and jumped on the spot with a grin.

"Just control the disc with magic and lob it right into the opponents' goal." The skinny ghost said with a high cackle, floating toward the left of the playing ground.

"You can just throw the disk since you don't have magic. I'm sure you'll do great." You gave the dual skinned fellow a thumb up and they nodded, getting into position.

And so... the game started!

Since the ghosts would easily evoid any attacks, you went more for defence as the small monster kept throwing the disk left and right with his magic.

The magicless fellow would easily move between the ghost opponents and reach the other end of the court as you used your water magic to repell any spell directed at them. Then, you'd both let Grim score the points.

The other side of a glass tank - Octavinelle (& Twisted Wonderland) X ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora