Chapter 19 - Signing up

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"Not possible." You said plainly, interrupting Crowley's gushing for the "rustic dorm" and making him turn to you in shock.

"W-whatever would you mean? This is the only place available at the moment and I'm being kind enough to offer it to them! I'm sure it'll be more than enough to keep the elements at bay..." He tried to defend but you weren't going to have it.

"I gave you the benefit of the doubt when looking at the dorm from the outside... but now that we've entered, I can't simply shake it off." You started, walking behind the gloomy looking Yuu and putting your hands on their shoulders. The magicless human, who was looking at the... lounge... glanced at you with the least bit of hope.

"As current holder of the Dark Mirror you are responsible for their being here." You looked straight into those yellow glowing eyes and the headmage gulped nervously.

"Placing them in such a structure, that I'm pretty sure hasn't been checked for safety and therefore hasn't been made utilizable to the public, is in fact illegal. That wouldn't be so good for the school's reputation... would it?" You smiled condescendingly and the masked man stiffened.

"W-where should I place this young one, then? I'm regrettably out of options here..." He chuckled awkwardly and you sighed.

"I could close an eye on this dorm situation... if promised to have the place reconstructed for their stay. Although, of course, not instantly... at least in the nearest future possible." You smiled softly and rubbed one of Yuu's shoulders. They looked at you with big eyes full of admiration and gratitude.

"I-I, well..." Crowley sighed when seeing you glaring at him and gave in.

"Sigh... Yes, I shall provide just that." He said and Yuu perked up, their cheeks flushing pink as you laughed sweetly and stepped back from them.

"Crowley." You called the man and he flinched fearfully, as if afraid you'd pierce him with your words or something.

"Thank you for accommodating them, that's very kind of you." You said with a small sigh and he straightened up, happily.

"Since you're being so 'generous', how about I thank you on their behalf? Let's say... you wished to offer me a position here in this school, yes?" You said and he immediately beamed.

"Yes! We can discuss it the moment we reach my office and I can prepare the needed documents." He happily offered and you nodded.

"Of course. Be it the case I do become a staff member here, I would need a place to stay in as well, no?" You brought a hand to your chin and fake pondered.

"You've already said this is the only place available. Meaning that I'd need to reside here. That's perfect! It means I'll be able to see this place getting as good as new." You smiled "innocently". Yeah, Crowley said he'd fix this dorm up but you couldn't really trust his word now, could you?
Yuu stared at you like you were their savior coming from the heavens, still not saying a word.

"Ah- I see... Really clever of you." The headmage sighed in defeat, slumping his shoulders. That solicited a laugh from you and you walked beside the man, patting his back.

"Shall we go to your office? Working here is quite the opportunity, after all. I wouldn't want to miss it." You smiled calmly which made him perk up. He mirthfully took your hand, shaking it with both of his.

"We shall! We'd also be honored to have a distinguished individual such as yourself working with us!" He seemed genuinely relieved that you were actually indulging him and not throwing harsh words his way.

Yes, Crowley has been pretty shitty till this point, but you won't get anything out of being hostile toward him. And, unfortunately, you've been taught pretty good manners. Still, it seems like he doesn't really mind being pushed around as long as you give him a couple of compliments. Huh.

The other side of a glass tank - Octavinelle (& Twisted Wonderland) X ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora