Chapter 12 - Future plans

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You went to school with a light heart and a bit of sleepiness for waking up earlier then usual. You were going to take a quick nap in the car once your guardian came to pick you up, then you'd go see the orchestra's show with the mer-children and your, ahem, "colleagues".

Well, never mind that. Apparently, the owner had taken one of the biggest tanks in the aquarium and let the orchestra set there. The kids would've listened to it while inside. You, your guardian and the various employees from outside. There were speakers and microphones inside of some tanks, so to listen to the animals sounds and hear if any of them was in distress or in need of a checkup.

The day went by relatively quickly. The ride back, even more so since you slept through most of it. By afternoon, you were already at the aquarium, right behind the large glass wall.

All the children and many of the elderly merfolks which also took shelter there were gathered inside the tank, in front of the made up stage for the musicians. The employees and you outside.

The trio wiggled out the crowd of mer-people and came greet you. You chuckled while making way toward them too, leaning a hand against the glass. "This brings back memories, doesn't it?" You asked with amusement laced in your voice.

The youger boys all nodded and were about to answer when a red and teal blur made a beeline toward you four.

"I'll stop ya right there, sardine. It ain't worth it." Floyd grabbed the newcomer's tail and yanked back right when they were about to crash against the glass.

"What my brother says is true, my prince. He tried that long ago and suffered quite the bump on his forehead." Jade politely said to prince Rielle, holding his joined hands in front of him.

You snorted loudly and covered your mouth with a hand. The moody eel got offended and threw a tantrums, waving his arms around. "Ya should be grateful! 'Am keepin' him safe like ya asked!" He whined.

You smiled happily and nodded. You then noticed a confused look on Rielle's face. "A short while before you came here, I asked them to do me a favor." You started explaining to the redhead and Azul timidly chimed in.

"They asked us to help you out during your first week or so. Saying that, since you're new, there's many things you'll have to get used to." The chubby octopus said and flushed happily when you complimented him.

"We were asked to serve as some sort of guide." The calmer eel added and his twin huffed, causing some bubbles to rise up.

"Were also told to be nice 'n all to ya." He said and crossed his arms.

The young prince's eyes widened and his cheek flushed. You swear you could see sparkles all around him as he turned to you. "You asked them to do all that, for me?!" He asked, hopeful and happy.

"Of course, Rielle. We all wanted to give you a warm welcome. Me included." You showed a soft smile and the prince squealed happily, throwing himself at the glass and squishing his reddened cheek against it, as if giving it an hug.

"You're like- like a beautiful knight or a guardian angel!" He giggled to himself in delight and you chuckled a bit while shaking your head.

"I'm not any of that, Rielle. I'm just a simple human." You said, but now it was the prince and the trio's turn to disagree.

"You're really special t-to us." Azul shyly said with flushed cheeks. Jade nodded with a smile and Floyd grinned.

"Yer a super shrimpy!" He said and the octopus looked at him weird while the other eel giggled, covering his mouth with his hands.

Rielle tilted his head. "Shrimpy?" He asked and you shrugged with a sigh.

"You might have noticed, but he likes to give others peculiar nicknames. And I sure hope he asked if it was fine when giving new ones." You sent a knowing glance at the moody eel and he huffed childishly.

The other side of a glass tank - Octavinelle (& Twisted Wonderland) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now