Chapter One

208 34 74

Song: There is no selected song for chapter

Annie's POV

A loud bang rang through my ears. I jolted awake to find myself, not in my cozy bed where I had fallen asleep, but to a crate floor and boxes all around me. The large crate was flying upwards towards large metal doors. I started crying and screaming for help. But not even I could hear myself over the large clanging of the machine pushing the crate towards the sky. What is going on, I thought to myself but I might as well say it out loud since there was no one around to hear me.

"Hello?" I screamed.

There was no answer. It was no use but I screamed and cried out until my voice had gone raspy. Suddenly the crate hit the top and jolted intensively. I fell back against some plastic containers knocking a large crate over, not bothering to pick it up.

I heard the creaks of large doors opening and felt the warm sunlight flood into the crate, making every nook and cranny visible from the light. It gave me sight to look down at the metal crate floor and into the non-stopping blackness below me. I shielded my face from the sun with my arms to make out two boys opening the crate doors that completed shaping the box I was in. As the two boys opened the crate I now saw that a dozen other boys had formed a sort of wall around the opening and they were all staring down at me.

"Hey Greenie," a rough voice called down to me before he leaped down into the crate and stuck his face to where I could see him. He had a smug look on his face and strange eyebrows curled on his face.

His smile faltered and he stepped back, "It's a girl," He said to himself before calling up to the others, "It- it's a girl!"

Everyone started talking at once, I kept moving my head to catch everyone that was talking.

"A girl? That's a first,"

"I got dibs,"

"What's she look like?"

"How old is she?"

I tried to speak but all that came out was, "I- no- I don't-"

"Oy all of you, shut it!" The group quieted down as two guys pushed their way to the front, "Get her out,"

Another boy jumped down and talked to the strange eyebrow dude before coming over to me and holding out his hand. He had chocolatey brown skin and a friendly looking face,d unlike eyebrow kid.

"I'm-" He started to say but the words just fell out of my mouth.

"Alby," I said.

"What?" he asked, confused. I took his hand and he helped me to my feet.

"Your name," I stated, "it's Alby, right?"

"It is," he glanced back at eyebrow boy and he just shrugged at him.

"And your Gally," I said to eyebrow boy.

"Um, yeah," he said, looking at me suspiciously. God, I would look at them suspiciously too. I just said their name when normally Greenies wouldn't even remember their own name. I gotta keep this cool. 

I was in the Maze Runner. Not in my bed, and this couldn't be a dream. Could it? It was too real, too real. But I couldn't wake up, I was stuck here.

Alby and Gally helped me out of the Box with the help of a fine looking blond boy. Newt.

"What's your name?" Alby asked me after he and Gally hopped from the box.

"Annie," I said and started walking through the whispering crowd with Newt, Gally and Alby acting like bodyguards protecting a celebrity from the paparazzi and fans.

"Well as you know I'm Alby, that's Gally and this is Newt." Alby explained.

Of course I already knew that but I couldn't say anything about it. "Nice to meet you," I said, shaking his open hand.

"Likewise," He said.


I let go of his hand and turned to Alby who was speaking, "My second in command, he's in charge when I'm not around,"

"It's a good thing you're always around then," Newt said, chuckling a bit.

"Yeah I guess so- HEY Shanks! Get back to work!"

I hadn't even realized that a bunch of the boys had crowded around us and were watching me intently and whispering to each other. The group of boys slowly scattered to their jobs still whispering and glancing over at me occasionally as they went.

"Where. Will. I. work?" I paused between each word as I slowly looked back at Alby and Newt. By this time Gally had gone back to his job of whatever the shank he wanted to do.

"Uhh," He said looking around, "you can work with Newt."


A/n Okay Chapter One done. Whatcha think? Any idea's where it's heading? 

Is there a song that I missed that could work for this chapter? Let me know------------>

I don't really have much to say here except thanks for reading! Vote and comment! Don't be a silent reader!


Word Count: 820

First Updated: 12/30/22- 10:26 AM

Last Updated: 3/4/23- (adding the banner)

Last Updated: 3/4/23- (adding the banner)

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