Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A/N To be honest whenever anyone mentions the name Isaac Newton my brain immediately jumps to my beloved Newt. 

Hey SOO sorry I was having writers block on this chapter. I have the whole plot for chapter 29 but for some reason I had great trouble writing this one. But here it is.

Annie's POV:

I woke up breathing heavily and I lifted my hand to feel sweat coating my forehead and cheeks. Newt wasn't around me and I saw Teresa still sleeping on my cot. I sat up on Newt's cot and pushed the blanket off my body. Peaks of light were shining in through cracks in the wood of the hut walls or under and along the siding of the cloth that we used as a door of our hut.

I saw that Newt had left a shirt of his lying on top of his crate in plain sight above my shoes. I stood up and scooted my feet over to the crate, slipping my feet into the sneakers and pulling the shirt over my head and down my torso. I lifted the hem of the shirt up to my nose and took a deep breath taking in his smell.

I'm sure if you gave a wolf a cloth with his scent he wouldn't be able to tell whether it was leading to him or me. Most all my clothes were his originally, or shared since we were around the same size.

My hair was still in the same braid as last night, which Newt has creatively weaved with his fingers, but it was messier than the previous night. It has held together well enough that it would work for the day.

Oh today. I thought, realizing what today was. Today was the day that Minho, Thomas and Alby would survive the Maze. I ran out of the hut to almost run, smack into Lindsey.

"Oh good you're awake," she cried and grabbed me by the arm, "No time to eat, the doors should be opening shortly."

We ran to the entrance where there was already a small group forming. I pushed my way to the front and found Newt and Gally. I placed myself in between the two and stationed myself right next to Newt, elbow to elbow.

"Mornin'" he said and smiled at me.

"Hi," I breathed, then turned my attention to the maze doors. Suddenly louds sounds came from inside the walls and large clunks and bangs followed. The doors were opening. Everyone started to murmur and mutter to themselves and one another.

"They have to be alive," I heard from next to me. I was shocked when I realized the voice was none other than Gally himself.

I guess no one really sees what he sees, I thought to myself.

My attention was turned back to the maze doors, which were low wide open and had just clanged into place. I started biting my lip without realizing. I felt Newt's hand come up to rest on my lower back, that helped settle my nerves.

I felt my shoulders relax a bit and I had a feeling Newt could feel that too because the next minute Newt leaned down and spoke to me. "It's going to be alright, don't worry."

"We don't know that," I breathed quickly.

"You were the one that told us to think positive, Annie."

I knew that the boys were going to survive, I had read the books over and over and I knew exactly what was going to happen. But being in the moment right now I was nervous, I wanted them to make it out. They couldn't die, we all watched, waiting.

Everyone was silent, no murmuring, no talking whatsoever.

"There!" A boy shouted and pointed at something in the maze. Everyone was now on alert and some people started talking under their breath.

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