1-The Start-Prologue

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Part 1

Hermione was stood outside the great hall. All she could smell was the amazing food of the Halloween banquet. She wanted to go in but the pressure of sitting with Ron and Harry was just too much after what had happened recently, after he picked Lavender over her.

"Hermione!" She jumped in surprise at her name being called by Ginny.

"Hay Ginny."

"Are you just going to stand there feeling sorry for yourself or do you want to have fun?"

"I'm going to just stand here and feel sorry for myself."

"Oh come on, we don't have to sit with them, I don't like Lavender anyway." Ginny grabbed her by the sleeve and pulled her into the great hall. Everything was as it normally was at Halloween. Pumpkins floating near the ceiling, the delicious smells of cinnamon and sugar wafting through the air, candles everywhere making the whole room seem cozy and of course, the food.

As they walked past the Gryffindor table where everything was decorated in red, Hermione couldn't help looking over her shoulder to where the boy that she loved had chosen someone else.

"There you two are, I was about to go looking, I was sure that nargles must have stolen all of your things."

"Hay Luna." She was sat on the Gryffindor table as it didn't really matter where you sat at Halloween anymore, the house points were only counted at the end of the year after all.

"Here have some cauldron cakes." Luna pushed the plate towards Hermione.

"You shouldn't blame yourself for what happened with Ron." Ginny stated.

"Oh so that's why you are acting all down." Luna said surprised.

"Well of course she is."

Finally Hermione decided to say something. "I just...I feel like everything is collapsing in around me. When I walk past them Lavender always stares at me as if she were a predator not wanting to share its food."

"You just need to find something to take your mind of it." Ginny replied as she picked up her fork and began to twirl it between her fingers.

"I have tried. I've tried reading, writing, doing homework, going on walks but it's all the same, eventually my mind wanders back to what Ron said to me when we came back to school."

"What was it he said again." Luna interrupted.

"Something about his kissing her was a mistake and how she was too uptight and needed to get a life outside of the books she read." Ginny answered for her, anger clearly lacing her voice.

"Wait I didn't know that what he said was that bad." Luna stood up in alarm and continued, "I'll get him for this."

"Jeez calm down, I've already shouted at him. A lot." Luna sat back down, her blond hair flying about the place. "Hermione you are not uptight, and you don't need to get a life but you do need to get over him because he doesn't deserve you."

"I suppose you are right...I just..." As Hermione was about to continue, Professor McGonagall the new headmistress stood up and people started to tap their spoons against their cups to get people to quiet.

"Hello students and teachers. As you know the last year has been rather tough trying to get back to a normality but for now we will be enjoying the Halloween season and the time up to Christmas. What you may not know is that a Hogwarts tradition is nearing to us. On the fourth of this month we will gather here and you will form teams. On that day you will be given a riddle leading to more and more clues, and eventually a prize. This only happens every ten years so make sure you put in the best of your abilities. Anyway enjoy the Halloween banquet." As she finished talking everyone else went back to their conversations and the usual din of the hall was back to normal.

"Well that seems like a thing for you to get your teeth into Hermione. Something to take your mind of things."

"Yeah I suppose so." Hermione picked up one of the small cauldron cakes and began eating it.

"We could always work as group, the three of us."

"No you don't have to, you guys will probably want to work with Harry and Neville and I don't want to stop you guys from having fun. I'll just do it by myself." She smiled sadly.

"Well you will probably win then without us holding you back." Luna replied.

Hermione pulled one of the sandwich trays towards her grabbed two of them and said "I think I'm going to go up to the dorms now and get some rest."

"Are you sure?" Ginny answered.

"Yeah I need some sleep and I have a practical potions lesson tomorrow so I need to be ready."

At the other end of the table sat Harry, Ron, Neville and Lavender.

"Ooo this is going to be soooo exciting, we get to stay up late and solve these puzzles Ronron, it's going to be so cute." Lavender stated.

"We should have a team with all of us in, and Hermione, Ginny and Luna." Harry continued.

"Actually maybe not Hermione, she may be a little weird about what happened." Lavender replied, a stern look on her face.

"I'm sure she is fine now Lavender, besides what ever team she is on will win." Ron started.

"No it won't, we are going to win because you have me and I am going to win."

Ron and Harry just looked at each other.

"If you say so Lavender." Harry finished. "I'm going to go upstairs now, I got a potions test tomorrow."

"We all know you are going to see Ginny, Harry" She butted in. Harry just got up and left the hall, leaving Ron, Lavender and Neville.

"I'm going to go and find Luna. I'll see you later Ron. Bye Lavender." Then Neville left too.

On the other side of the hall. Sat Draco, Blaze and Pansy. Draco was sat, his face resting in the palm of his hand and was tracing circles on the table with the index finger on his other hand.

"Oh Draco, I know you are going to win." Pansy spoke.

Draco scoffed, "I need to win. I need to prove to my father that I am not useless and that I can beat him at something."

"Why?" Blaze groaned.

"Because my father still hasn't forgiven me for what happened last year and I need to prove that I am better."

"That's going to be tricky going against Granger." Blaze pointed out.

Draco suddenly looked up from the table. "Yes that will be very hard indeed. Or maybe..."


Draco stood up. "I got a potions test, I'll see you later." Then he was gone.

A/N:Well, I can't believe I'm actually writing this, thank you for even clicking on this book in the first place and thank you even more if you have read this far. Anyways see you in the next chapter. BYEEE!

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