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"Malfoy?" She screamed.

As soon as the light had disappeared the only thing she could see was Malfoy's unconscious body on the floor a few feet away.

"Malfoy!" She ran towards him and crouched down by him, his usually flat hair sprawled untidily over his face.

Suddenly his eyes opened and he slowly sat up, a dazed look in his eyes that made her feel uneasy. "Granger."

"Malfoy what happened."

"I...I" a look of realisation passed over his features as he got to his feet. "I have to go." He tried to leave through the door but before he could she grabbed his arm. He stopped.

She didn't know what she was doing she just stood there looking up at him as her small hand was wrapped tightly around his wrist. "What happened."

He wouldn't look her in the eye, and stared at her hand on his arm as he replied. "Granger would you just leave it."

"No because if it was a curse that made you collapse I need to know, it could be dangerous."

"It's not okay. I'm fine." He said pulling her hand off his arm and continued towards the door.

"How do you know that?"

He turned around so abruptly that she took a step back. "Because I feinted okay."

Suddenly, for what felt like the first time his eyes met hers and the brightness in them started her. Now she had to look away. "What do you mean you feinted?"

"You probably didn't notice but that bright light happened to have a green tinge to it. I..." He stopped and slid down the wall behind him so he was on the floor. "I...I saw so many people get killed by Voldemort, so many people that the last thing they saw was the green light of the killing curse. I...I shouldn't be telling you this." He stated as he ran his hand through his silver hair.

"No I'm listening." She responded as went and sat next to him leaning against the wall.

"I used to get nightmares where the only thing I could see was that green light and the sound of his voice, the dark lord whispering in my ear. The worst part is that I was always holding the wand, casting the killing curse. I can't even use the floo network anymore without feeling dizzy because of the green flame. I did what I did to protect my mother."

"I'm sorry I never knew that..."

"That I'm traumatised."

"No, it's not just you, I...I struggle to open my eyes in the morning because the colour of the curtains in the room is the same colour as blood. People thought that I was close with Ron and Ginny but they never knew I was friends with Fred as well."

He raised an eyebrow. "Really you and Fred?"

"What? No it wasn't like that. We had a sort of mutual understanding and we became friends after a while. Most people thought that I was so upset at the start of the year because Ron dumped me but it wasn't just that. Everywhere I went I saw reminders of one of my best friends."

"I'm sorry." He said. Words she never thought she would hear from those pale lips. "It seems our scars run deep Granger."

"Yes so it seems."

"So then, what is that you want Weasley to experience because he made you feel you were worthless. I have to be honest, I'm intrigued."

"Well if we do win this thing, I think it will be enough because when the winners are announced we will have to stand at the front of the hall to get the wishes. Once he sees that I picked working with Slytherins, especially you over working with him, I think that will make him feel as worthless as it made me feel."

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