43-Flashback 1-Denial

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Draco's hands were shaking. All he could think was that she was dead. This one light, one hope in his life was gone. He didn't know where he had teleported to, all he knew was that he held Hermione's limp body in his arms and it was him that had done it. He tucked his face into her hair as tears fell from his eyes, she still smelt like coffee, still felt warm to the touch.

All he wanted was for her to just open her eyes and say his name with relief written across her features, but that didn't happen, would never happen. He didn't know how long he was there for on the floor when he felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked up through blurred vision, his eyes now dry for no more tears could be shed. It was his mother, her usual stern expression now soft and gentle, almost as if she felt worry for her son.

He watched as her lips moved but he heard nothing over the roaring in his ears. She couldn't be dead.

He remembered the day his father had taught him the three unforgivable curses. He remembered as he held his wand tightly in his shaking hand as he pointed it at a small cage covered with a cloth. His fathers voice echoed from behind him.

"Son I know you don't want to do this, but" he swallowed, "but the dark lord expects you to be able to do this. I'm sorry that you have been put in this position but we didn't have a choice."

"We did have a choice father, there is always a choice to be made, and the one you chose was the path of death and destruction. You wanted this, if you truly wanted a better life for us then you never would have become one of his followers in the first place."

"You know it wasn't like that..."

"Can we just get on with this so I can go back to reading."

"Fine, these curses will only work if you truly mean it, if not then a number of things could happen, nothing might happen, or the spell could behave completely different."

He stepped forward and lifted the cloth from the cage to reveal a snake. That was the day he made his first kill, a day he would remember for the rest of his life.

It was now that he finally heard his mother's soft voice through the white noise. "Draco."

"Mother I can't loose her." He said through tears as he hugged her body closer.

He thought back to the conditions needed for the curse to work, he had to mean it. He was still conscious when he cast the spell, so there was a chance that she was still alive.

He gently placed her on the floor and brought his shacking fingers to the pulse point on her neck. He waited and then... there was a beat.

Was she alive? She wasn't breathing but there was a beat. Relief flooded through his body. She was alive in some way and that was one thing, he hadn't killed her. He stroked her hair back off her face.

"Mother, I need you to get me a healer now."

"Draco I don't think..."

"Just get me a healer."

He stood up from where he was, which he now realised was the entry hall, and picked up Hermione of the black and white tilled floor, and carried her up the stairs to one of the spare room. As he pushed open the door his first thought was that the room would be perfect for her, there were books everywhere, lining an entire wall, a large plush bed and an armchair by the window very similar to her favourite chair in the library back at Hogwarts. He placed her onto the bed and stood back looking at her.

She was covered in dirt and mud from the chamber of secrets and was still wearing that beautiful dress from the masquerade. He couldn't believe it was only a few hours ago that they had been dancing.

Suddenly there was a loud crack from behind him, he turned to see the familiar healer that was a friend of the family that had always healed him on a few occasions when he fell of his broom and broke his arm.

"Your mother sent for me, I got here as quick as I could." She was a stern woman a little older than his mother, she had jet black hair that she had pulled into a tight bun, that often reminded him of Professor McGonagall.

"Yes, Agnis. She was hit with the killing curse, but she is still alive, she also has a large wound on her arm."

"Well move out the way boy, I can't help her standing in the doorway."

She walked around to the side of the bed and cast an injury detection charm over her body. As she did a bright blue glowing version of Hermione's nervous system appeared hovering just a few centimetres above her body. The parts of her nervous system that glowed red, she touched them lightly with her wand and each of them turned gold.

"What is it?"

"Well she has two broken ribs, the cut on her arm goes straight through the muscle and her thumb is dislocated, according to this there is nothing else wrong with her, no brain or heart damage. I will fix these wounds but I doubt it will help."

The woman cast several healing spells and vanished all of the dirt and mud, and with a quick wave of her wand one second she was wearing the black dress and the next a white night gown.

Just as she was about to leave she placed a small glass bottle in his hand. "You need to place this on the wound on her arm once a day for six days, it will regrow the damaged nerve cells."

"Thank you Agnis."

"Oh and Draco, you may want to think about getting a Soul Seer."

"Why is that?"

"I can only find problems at a physical level, your girlfriends problem may be at more of astral level."

"She's not my girlfriend." he frowned.

"Well based on how protective you are over her I'd say she was, you haven't taken your eyes off her this whole time."

"Well she isn't."

"She must be your wife then, there is no other explanation for how you are behaving, trust me, I'm a doctor."

He rolled his eyes.

"Tell your mother I'll bring over one of my apple pies next time." With that she vanished with another crack, leaving Draco alone once more.

Maybe what he was feeling was Denial but in this moment there was a chance that things could go back to the way they were.

A/N: Well here is the first flashback chapter, I'm sorry if it gets a bit confusing but I just couldn't resist having flashbacks in this, thank you for all the reads and comments. See you in the next chapter. BYEEE!!

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