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Hermione awoke to sound of birds singing outside, the smell of freshly cooked breakfast and strangely sunbeams shining through the window and on to her face. She was normally awake before the sun was up in the autumn.
She jumped out of bed and checked her watch quickly, the time it displayed in Roman numerals was twenty to nine. She was almost late for class. She very quickly changed into her school uniform and tied her hair up off her face in what she assumed was a very messy bun.

She grabbed her books in such a haste, throwing them into her satchel and swinging the strap around her shoulder before running out the door. Now she had five minutes to get from one of the tallest towers in Hogwarts all the way to the dungeons whilst using the moving stairs all without bumping into Ron or Lavender.

She ran down the stairs, narrowly avoiding some first years and sprinting around the corner as she did she ran straight into someone.

She fell to the ground her books and papers flying everywhere and when she looked across from her to see who she had also knocked to the floor her blood ran ice cold.

"Jesus, Granger slow down its nine in the morning." Draco said as he smoothed his platinum hair out of his eyes.

"Let me guess. Your father will hear about this?" She questioned raising her eyebrows as she too got to her feet.

Draco just rolled his eyes and responded, "Why are you in such a rush? Are you running away from Ron and Lavender or something." He smirked.

"Like I care." She quickly gathered up her books of the floor with a quick wave of her wand and started walking to potions again when she realised that Malfoy was walking with her to potions.

"I know you hate her."

"I hate you more."

"Likewise." He scoffed.

They walked the rest of the way in silence until they reached the door.


"What?" He replied aggressively.

"Ladies first." She smirked looking up at him. Reluctantly he walked into the class, her right behind him. Just as she entered the room the distant bell signalling the lesson start rang.

Professor Slughorn was stood at the front of the classroom, writing todays lesson instructions onto the chalk board. Hermione quickly walked over to where Harry and Neville were sat at their usual desk.

"How are you so late. When you weren't in the hall for breakfast I assumed you were already here." Neville said as she sat down pulling her notebook out on her desk.

"I...I was up late revising for this test."

"Yeah right, Ron wasn't at breakfast either, I thought you were with him." Harry butted in.

"Wait Ron wasn't at breakfast?"

Before Harry could answer professor Slughorn started moving the chalk board into the middle of the room and the whole classroom went quiet.

"Well then class, as you know today is your first practical test of the year. Because many of you have different abilities I will be testing how well you make the potion not the difficulty of the potion so you will be put into pairs with another person at your level of expertise and you will be making a potion at your difficulty level."

Professor Slughorn then proceeded to flip the board so that the other side was visible. "Here are the potions you will be making and next to it are the names of the people making the potion."

"Hermione you are probably going to be working by yourself." Harry stated as a compliment.

Hermione quickly started to skim over the board, searching for her name and the potion she would be making.

"Oh Neville I'm with you." Harry said quietly.

Hermione was slightly startled as she couldn't find her name straight away. As she continued to look she spotted her name at the very end of the list. She was going to be making a draught of living death. She was relieved that she already knew how to make the potion but suddenly her heart dropped when she noticed her name was not alone on the board. Next to her name, only separated by a coma was Draco Malfoy written in chalk almost the colour of his hair.

Hermione looked across the room to where he was sat with the other Slytherin students and was surprised to see him looking straight at her, blue eyes glinting in the candles flickering light. She quickly turned her head away to look toward the front of the room. Even though she couldn't see him directly she could still feel the stare of his eyes on the side of her head.

"I'm with Malfoy." Hermione whispered so that Harry could only just hear her.

"What, you have got to be kidding."


Slughorn started talking again and said to go and start the test. Reluctantly she stood up of her stool to head over to Malfoy but before she could she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Malfoy staring at her.

"Come on Granger, let's make a draught of living death shall we." He stated with all the sarcasm he could muster followed by an eye roll to top it off.

Hermione just turned her head slightly and gave Harry a look that just said 'get me outa here' and Harry responded by chucking to himself quietly.

"Sure why not." She sighed. Hermione and Malfoy walked over to the supply closet and searched to the ingredients they needed.

"We need infusion of wormwood." Hermione stated as they stood in the very small room together.

"Yeah well I can't look for it if you are in the way."

"Let me look for the ingredients then and you can get the cauldron ready."

"I'm not going to fall for that Granger, you could sabotage the potion so that it make my hair orange or something like your precious Weasley."

"Firstly, I wouldn't do that because it would ruin the potion. Secondly, Ron is not my precious Weasley and Thirdly I no longer like the colour orange."

Suddenly Malfoy stepped a lot closer. Hermione stepped back until her back was pressed fully against the shelves. He stepped closer again so close that Hermione could smell ever so slightly the cent of mint. He leaned over her and reached out his outstretched arm and then lifted down the jar.

"Infusion of wormwood." He smirked smugly.

Then he reached out his hand again right past her head and pulled down of the shelf a bottle.

"And powdered root of asphodel." He continued.

Hermione took both the ingredients off him and replied. "Fine I will start the potion and you can get the rest of the ingredients."

A/N: Second chapter done. The next chapter I'm going to write some interesting stuff so get ready. Thank you for reading. If you want to please vote and comment because it helps a lot but if you don't want to you don't have to. BYEEE!

Coffee and Spearmint Toothpaste - DramioneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora