57- The Basement

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Hermione didn't know what had happened. One section she was there about to take Draco's hand and vanish forever with him but then everything went black and now she didn't know where she was. She was in a basement somewhere, it was cold and damp. He heart started to race as a wave of panic washed over her. Draco could already be dead. No. She had to get out of here, she had to go to him. She turned around to see a man in one of the white masks, a rebel. He must have grabbed her and apparated. She tried to keep her self composed but in reality she was freaking out. Everyone could be dead already.

"Please if you are a rebel, please take me back, I'm not a civilian, I'm a rebel too, I need to go back."

The man just stood in silence as if he had seen a ghost, in shock.

"Please."She begged.

The man suddenly decided to come back to reality and shook his head. "Its too dangerous." He said in a familiar voice.

"We had a plan to kill him, to save everyone. If we go back now we might be able to do something. I might be able to kill him."

He held his breath as if contemplating something. "Its not safe." Was all the man said. He turned around to leave up a staircase motioning with his hand for her to follow. As his head turned she caught a flash of orange hair with her eye and suddenly everything clicked.


The man stopped in his tracks and pulled the mask off. "Hermione." He seemed cold. She didn't know what had happened to him over the last few months but what ever it was had destroyed him. The sides of his head were shaved almost like a traditional muggle military hair cut. "You were dead."

She noted how he didn't mention 'i thought' in that sentence, he knew that she had died that day, the way he had said those words sent a shiver down her spine. He had gotten so cold.

"I was."

A look passed over his features that she had only seen a few times and even then it was never targeted at her, it was a look of fear, but then it vanished. "Are you a ghost?"

"No, I died but not completely, my soul had become lost on the astral plane and to get it back...Draco had to use dark magic."

He scoffed. "So you are still hanging around with him then. I don't understand how someone so smart can be so dumb."


"He is the one that killed you Hermione, he killed you, and don't try to deny it, I saw it with my own eyes."

She stood silent as he walked down the few steps he had climbed to get closer to you. "Yeah, surprised are you, after everything that happened I came to get you that night, thought I could be your knight in shining armour,I shouldn't have been so stupid."

"He was being controlled by his father, Ron, he couldn't help it, in fact if it hadn't been him doing it I might not even be here, it was because of his strong mental abilities that I'm still alive."

"So what, I wouldn't have even let that happen."

"It makes no difference now so just take me back."She screamed. "Take me back to him."

"I can't."

"What do you mean you can't?"

"The force fields around that place are insane, the only reason why we could get in was because the force fields were brought down for a minute to bring Voldemort in."

"Well how can I get back. You are the one that stupidly brought me here so you can take me back."

He didn't reply and just started walking up the stairs and opened the door at the top. She followed him out and saw where they were. It was the Weasley family home, the burrow. What she saw broke her heart. The place she had practically spent the last seven years of her life outside of school was now in ruins. It looked as if they had sat down to a family diner and then a fireball had hit the house blowing up the side, including the kitchen and everything above it. She covered her mouth to stop from gasping.

"What happened, did you all get out, was your family okay?" "She asked quickly.

"They are fine, this happened before the worst of it."

They walked out into the yard and to she shed they used to keep the broom sticks in. "What do you mean the worst of it?"

"It was about three months ago and we got word from Seamus that you might still be alive and that Draco had told him that he would kill him if he said anything. We didn't believe him but then we started to notice similarities between the Phantom and Draco and realised that they might be the same person. Seamus was in the ministry helping to get out muggles that they had done experiments on and that was when I met Morticia, she was a beautiful muggle girl and in the time I spent with her she was the love of my life."

"What was she like?"

He looked at her with sorrow in his eyes. "She was incredible, she was an artist and she loved to cook, I spent a week with her in London when we were looking for a contact and she was just the most amazing person." He pulled a pice off paper from his pocket and unfolded it. "This is a picture of her that she drew." She had long blond hair and bright blue eyes. "Then two days ago our camp was found and she pushed me out of the way of a spell and took the full force, a wizard could have survived it but she just wasn't strong enough, a lot of people died that day, that's why today was our last chance."

"It won't be our last chance, we can do this Ron."

"I just hope that when I die I will get to see her again." He unlocked the shed and pulled out two brooms. "We will have to apparate to the camp and then fly the rest of the way."

She knew why they had ended up this far away, he had an emotional spike him his magic when he saw her and when they apparated there was too much magic and it took him home instead. He held out his hand. "I'm sorry for all of this Hermione."

She took his hand and they vanished.

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