55- The Letter

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Draco hand not felt so happy in all his life. Although there was a war on and his father had lost his mind working for the enemy every thing else was perfect. His mother he hadn't seen this happy since her sister Andromeda said she would visit and that was when he was five. Every night he went to sleep staring at Hermione's perfect face, and every morning he woke to the sound of her waking up. Every thing was so peaceful, but he knew it would never last and something in his gut told him that today was the day that would happen.

They were only a day away from executing the plan and killing Voldemort once and for all, everything was tense around the manor, everyone waiting for the coming storm. It was about nine in the morning when him and Hermione had decided to take a walk through the gardens and watch as new flowers were blooming in the end of spring, the equinox being only a few days away. Suddenly they both heard a loud hooting and looked up to the sky to see an owl, not just any owl. It was the owl he had given to Harry and Ginny to only be used in emergencies.

Draco felt sick to his stomach, what could it mean? Were they in trouble? Had Voldemort captured them?

"Draco what's wrong?" Hermione had clearly read the concern on his face.

"I gave that Owl to Harry and Ginny."

Hermione covered her mouth at the realisation. Draco held out his arm to the owl which he swiftly landed on, he took the letter from its mouth and the bird left as quickly as it came. He hastily ripped open the paper but before he could unfold the paper and read its condense Hermione snatched it out of his hand eager to read it, hopeful that enclosed was not bad news. He watched as her eyes roved over the paper, taking in every word every detail, some that he himself would have missed.

He then witnessed as her expression turned sour and her eyes widened. "What is it?" He asked.

"Why did they have to be so stupid, there is a war on, they are in such danger, if this letter was intercepted I don't even know what would happen." Everything she was saying was coming out in such a jumble and at such a speed that it was almost illegible.

He placed his hands on her shoulders in a comforting way. "Hermione, slow down, just tell me what it is, if they are in danger we can save them and move them some where else. They are going to be okay."

She shook her head quickly and looked up, her eyes meeting his. "Its not that, Ginny is pregnant!"

He knew now why Hermione was freaking out, that child has Harry's blood and thus had Voldemorts blood too. If he were to find out it would be disastrous, he wouldn't need Harry, he would just need the baby, to switch bodies.

"This isn't good."

"We can't let anyone find out, no one can know this." Before he knew it she was taking her wand out and setting alight the paper, within seconds it turned to ash.

"I can't believe this."

"She is about five months along too, is there anyone we can send there to help."

"I don't know anyone I trust that can do that."

Hermione couldn't understand how this had happened, just when they had a plan that could be somewhat successful, everything just started going wrong. It was late in the evening and as they all sat in the living room going over the plan for the day to come for the one hundredth time everyone seemed far quieter that usual, what was to come was making everyone quiet and on edge. It was the quiet before the storm.

Going to bed that evening was pointless because she knew she wouldn't sleep, but still she found herself waking up the stairs to her room where she sat at the edge of her bed in silence, thinking about the day to come. This was so very different to the night of the masquerade ball, that was all heat of the moment, get things done adrenaline but this was agonising to just wait for the time to pass.

Suddenly she heard a light knock at the, she turned to see Draco stood there, not saying anything.

She knew why he was there, she had felt it too. To be alone on a night like this when you could loose each other forever the next day would be stupid.

She walked over and wrapped her arms tightly around his back tucking her face into his chest. For some reason she felt tears coming from her eyes, soaking into the fabric of his shirt.

"Draco I don't ever want to let you go."

"I hope you don't." She looked up at him through her wet lashes. "Please don't cry Hermione." He leant forward and kissed each tear on her cheeks and finally her mouth. His kiss was soft and tender as if he was a delicate flower that he was afraid he might break. He lifted her off her feet and carried her in his arms bridal style out her door across the hall to his room. He was so gentle it almost hurt.

He laid her down on the silk sheets of his bed, and played with her hair as he kissed her. She loved him so much she thought her heart would explode, just being around him she felt as though everything logic had left her brain.

He kissed her on the neck and then made his was doing her chest, unbuttoning her shirt one at a time as he went. He pulled his top off over his head with one hand and then continued to kiss her now hot skin. She unbuttoned her trousers and pulled them off leaving her just in her underwear.

Every single kiss on her body burned like nothing she had ever felt, like fire and ice were working in unison to destroy her every being. He stroked his thumb up the inner part of her thigh leaving it tingling and tender. She felt as her breathing grew ragged and her heart rate quickened. She felt drunk.

Suddenly he stopped. "I won't go any further with this unless you want to."

"I want to."

So they spent the night in each others arms. Every single moment of it was ecstasy, and it was all Hermione could do to keep from using her magic and setting the house on fire.

She woke to the sound of birds and and light shining in through the window onto her face. Draco had his arms around her, tucking her body close to his protectively, the moment was perfect but she knew it would never last, today was the day of the plan.

A/N: ;)

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