7-Silver Calligraphy

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Hermione awoke with a start the next morning, it wasn't even breakfast yet and she could hear excessive noise coming from the common room, the voices getting louder for each second she was awake. She rolled over, desperately trying to go back to sleep, even if it was only half an hour before she usually got up.

Now she could see the light shining in the the window, the bright beams landing on her face waking her up further. As she opened her eyes she saw that she was the only one left in the dorm room, all of the other beds made and empty. Slowly she rolled out of bed and went down stairs still in her pyjamas. This was very unusual.

The common room at this time of the morning was normally quiet and only had early risers lazing on the sofas drinking tea or coffee but now it was practically full.

Dotted around the room were segregated groups of people all talking loudly. Hermione quickly spotted Ginny's bright red hair across the room and walked over, noticing that Luna, Harry and Neville were also sat with her.

"Hay, what's going on?" She asked Ginny as she sat down in the arm chair with them.

"Good morning to you too." She laughed.

She looked over and saw that Harry had his head in his hands and Neville seemed to be skimming through a book, frantically looking for something. Luna on the other hand was twiddling her thumbs and humming to herself.

"Sorry I'm just a little tired after being woken up by all of the noise down here."

"I should have told people to quiet down when I got up. To answer you're earlier question, we are all trying to work out this riddle."

"Oh, any luck yet."

"Nope, I this is the most complicated thing I have ever seen."

"Good morning you three."

Harry and Neville both answered half heartedly as if they were still asleep but Luna answered with a bright, "good morning Hermione."

It was strange to see Luna in the common room. Her light hair was in stark contrast to the red background making the blond tones peak through.

"Luna how exactly are you in here?"

"Oh, the teachers have said that because there were so many students working with people from other houses that we would all get a password per group allowing the people to enter each others common rooms until the last day of the challenge."

"How do you..."

"How do you know what the password is?"


Suddenly Luna was rolling up her sleeve on her left arm. Then she proceeded to point towards her inner wrist with her other hand. "It's a small tattoo thing, I think it looks quite pretty." She said. Hermione leaned a little closer and it was true that there was a small tattoo of a word written in cursive on her wrist, the ink a very light silver colour that glinted slightly like water in the sun.

To Hermione's shock she realised that she might have one too and slowly pulled her pyjama top sleeve down over her wrist as she got up from her chair. She felt slightly feint as she stood.

"I'm just going to get dressed, I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast okay."

Ginny responded with a nod of her head and turned her attention to another book that they had open on the table.

She quickly rushed up the stairs back to her room and as soon as soon as she got there she slammed the door behind her. She rolled up her sleeve and just as she had thought, there on her hand was a thin silver word written like calligraphy.

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