31-The Dress

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Draco was dreaming again. Once again he found himself at the door covered in snakes. He didn't want to open the door but he knew that if he didn't the dream would never end. He lifted his hand to the door and as soon as his skin made contact with the scaly metal, it sprung open to reveal the chamber with the girl and the cloaked man. This time there was something different, the whole room felt cold and as he looked over to the girl, he felt a sharp piercing pain in his chest when he realised who it was. "Hermione." He screamed.

"Run, he is going to kill you."

He tried to grab his wand but his arm wouldn't move, just like on the countless other occasions. So he ran. He was getting closer to he every second but not close enough. Just as he was about to reach her the cloaked man lifted his wand and a green jet of magic shot towards Hermione, hitting her square in the back. Then the world went dark and he woke up.

He found himself gasping for air as if he had been drowning. It had been Hermione in his dream, it had been Hermione that he had desperately been trying to save every night for weeks. He felt sick to his stomach. There was no way he could go back to sleep now. He got up and as he did he felt a sudden sensation of dread for the day to come.

Hermione was frantic. Everything about today felt wrong. Here she was about to put on a dress for a ball when Voldemort was about to return because of a diadem they failed to destroy and if she didn't work out what was scribbled onto that paper then Voldemort really would come back.

She was sat on the edge of her bed staring at the paper. She knew that his plan was to make another basilisk but she couldn't understand what the rest of the runes were, there were ones that looked like snowflakes but they all had twelve branches to them, and regular snow flakes only have 6. What could that mean?

She placed the paper in her trunk and left the room. Pansy had suggested that she get ready with her, so that if anyone asked she could just say she was going to the library and no one in her dorm would ask questions. It didn't take long for her to be walking past the great hall and towards the dungeons. As she walked around the corner she saw a figure slumped down in one of the alcoves. It was probably some slytherin boy that had decided to get drunk before the ball. As she walked past however the boys hand reached out and grabbed her ankle.

"Hay! Get off." She kicked the hand of with her other foot and was about to shout at the boy when she took a closer look and saw a mop of red hair and a freckled face. "Ron? Is that you?"

Ron looked up at her through dazed eyes and smiled as he held up a half drunk bottle of fire whiskey. "Want a drink Mione?" His words were slurred.

"Are you okay, you don't look good?"

He looked down at the bottle and swirled the amber liquid. "We could have been great you know." He took a swig of the whiskey and got up from where he was sprawled against the wall. "We could have gotten married, and had lots of kids who you would stay home and look after." He smiled lazily at her.

She took a step back. "Ron..."

"I would have looked after you. You could've baked in the kitchen all day, and looked after our kids." He reached out his hand to touch her face. She took another step back.

"It wouldn't have worked Ron, you know I wouldn't have liked that life."

"But it would have..."

"I am not your mother, I'm not here to replace her role." She could hear footsteps down the corridor and decided she should go quickly.

She tried to move away but before she could he grabbed her wrist. "You won't have me but you would settle for a deatheater like Malfoy."

"Well at least if I were his wife he let me live, and at least he knows that I hate baking."

She pulled her arm back and headed towards dungeons. As she looked up she saw where the foot steps had originated from. Draco was stood at the end of the corridor.

She held her breath. Had he heard what she had just said? It seemed that he had because as she walked past she saw a slight smirk on his face and she knew that he was definitely going to bring it up later. She was surprised that he didn't say anything there and then.

She couldn't help feeling that she was being to harsh on Ron, but on the other side of things he had made her feel completely worthless and alone. It didn't take her long to be knocking on the door of the slytherin common room and for Pansy to be opening the door in seconds.

Pansy gave Hermione a very unexpected hug and pulled her to the side so they wouldn't be seen. "I'm literally so excited, I swear I've been waiting for you for hours." She squealed. "We're going to have so much fun." There was a wide grin on her face.

"Hold on a sec." Hermione reached into her satchel and pulled out a large purple book, gold writing on the front that read 'Magical Mythology'.

"Oh my god, thank you, thank you so much." Pansy squeaked.

"Don't worry about it."

"Right let's sneak you in then." Pansy cast a disillusionment charm on her and pulled her through the door, through the main room and up the stairs. Pansy's room was very similar to Draco's except that there were extra cushions lying about on the beds and chairs, and a few blankets that gave the room a very homely touch.

Pansy removed the charm with a flick of her wand and immediately ran over to a wardrobe in the corner, placing the book on her bed as she went. She pulled out their two dresses. And laid them on the bed looking down at them as if in awe.

This was the longest she had ever taken to get ready for something and yet at the same time it was the most fun she had ever had. Pansy had gotten out chocolate and two bottles of butter beer and once they started doing their makeup, they talked about everything. They talked about school, what they wanted to do after school, what happened with Ron. They talked about everything. At points she found herself falling about with laughter when Pansy told a story about a love potion she made going wrong.

"Wait so you accidentally ended up giving the guy hooves?" She asked trying to refrain from laughing.

"That's not even the worst part, he was a professional tap dancer."

"Oh my god." She cried out as they carried on laughing.

She was now stood in front of the mirror. She couldn't believe how different she looked to her usual self. She was wearing a straight black dress with skinny straps, pretty much entirely covered in black sparkly gemstones, with a slit up to her thigh. The back laced up, almost like a corset. Her hair was left down, her slightly curled hair framing her face and falling down her back in ripples. She had borrowed a few pieces of jewellery from Pansy but she made sure to wear the signet ring Draco had given her, the silver 'M' glinting slightly in the evening light.

She held the mask in her hand, metal with black swirls, and lifted it to her face. No one would know it was her. She was unrecognisable. She turned to Pansy who was now dressed in the silver dress she had picked in the shop. "So how do I look?"

"Stunning. Now all we have to do is go to the ball."

A/N: Hay, sorry if you found this chapter boring but there was some things I just had to put in here for later on. Hope everyone is doing okay. Anyway thank you for the reads and if there is anything you really want to see happen later on please say. BYEEE!

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