22-Astronomy Tower

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"Well what do we do now?" She asked frustrated. She slumped down onto the bed beside him. At this point she honestly felt like giving up.

"I think that maybe it might have something to do with the astronomy tower." He looked across to her.

"Why is that?"

"Well is was where Dumbledore died and that seems like the kind of place the magic would pick. Also it's where I want to go the least right now."

"Maybe we shouldn't go right now then, it's getting late and it's past curfew, if we are caught even the teachers will be asking questions."

"Yes but when else are we going to get another opportunity like this. The sky is practically clear apart from that cloud in front of the moon, it might be raining tomorrow night."

"I suppose you are right then, we probably won't get another night like this for weeks."

"I'm one hundred percent right."

"Fine then." She got up of Draco's bed and headed straight to her note book. Hermione began to put things back in her satchel and headed towards the door. She looked back behind her to where Draco was sat on his bed. "Aren't you going to come then?" She smiled.

"I suppose so." He frowned, his brows creasing together. So with that they headed back out, speeding through the common room and out into the hall way where Draco immediately got rid of Hermione's transfigured features. "That's better." He smirked.

As they walked to the astronomy tower, trying to stay hidden and silent incase teachers were patrolling as it was past curfew, Hermione noticed that Draco was unusually serious and seemed to be anxious. She knew how he felt about the astronomy tower but she never imagined that he was this stressed about it. She watched as he twisted his new signet ring around his finger, something she now did too when stressed. She couldn't believe this. She couldn't imagine how stressed he must have been the first night they met up when he had suggested to meet in the astronomy tower because no where else was available.

She desperately tried to think of something to say to distract him from it. "So Draco, what do you think about this ball?"

"Well what is there to think about, I have been to dozens of balls, all of them the same mindless chatter, I doubt anything interesting will happen."

"I don't think I'll go."

"Why not?"

"People will expect me to dance with Ron now that him and Lavender have broken up, I know that my close friends won't but the rest will and I don't think I could deal with that."

Suddenly there was a look in his eye that she had never seen before, almost like a hunger but not quite. Then he smirked. "It's a masquerade love, you could dance with anyone."

Suddenly her heart began to pound in her chest like a bird trying to escape its cage, trying to escape the only world it's ever known. As they walked she stayed silent but in her head she kept on turning over the words he had just said. She could indeed dance with anyone. She could be anyone.

The journey to the astronomy tower was too short and before she knew it they were climbing up the stairs and into the room surrounded by the night sky.

"So what's the plan then." She sighed as she looked out over the rail across the valley.

"Well you know that all of the magic in Hogwarts is connected right, that's how they can track how much of the clue we figured out."

"Umm yeah. Do you think that maybe the magic it's attached to the school physically as well."

"That's exactly what I'm thinking."

Suddenly at the same time they both noticed a brass telescope in the corner that was about a metre tall. "Do you think..."

He nodded in response.

They walked over to the telescope and dragged it to the railing. Hermione immediately had an idea to like the telescope up with the constellation Draco, making sure that it was in full focus, so that's what she did.

As soon as she lined it up and turned the weel on the side so it wasn't blurry the machine started to whirl and jolt of its own accord. Not knowing what it was going to do she quickly took a step back as the thing whirled even more. Just as quickly as it started it stopped and through a tiny slit in the metal work, a pice of paper was pushed out, just like the one the first clue was on.

"Please don't tell me that's another clue." She sighed.

"I'm sorry to say this but I think it probably is." He leaned forward and pulled out the pice of paper and as he did the machine whirled again and returned back to exactly how it was before the touched it, going as far as to hop back to the corner they found it in. "Well at least it went back to how it was, now that's one less thing I have to do."

"Would you just read the next clue please, I'm really tired." As she said it she felt herself yawn, and Draco laughed quietly in response. "What? it's been a long day."

He turned over the pice of paper and as he read Hermione watched as his eyes moved over the surface of the paper, glistening in the little light the moon was giving of hidden behind the clouds.

"Looks like you are going to have to go to that ball after all Hermione."

"What do you mean?"

"Have a look for yourself." He handed her the small rectangular pice of paper and as she read it she felt her mouth open slightly.

There was only one word on the paper, and underneath was a few sets of foot prints arranged with some arrows and lines but Hermione's eyes only saw the word. The word was...


A/N: Hay, this just took a turn that I did not think it was going to go in. Sorry if there are mistakes because I was writing it at two in the morning. I hope you are all enjoying reading this. Please vote and comment, it helps out a lot. BYEEE!

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