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It was now the weekend and Hermione was stood by the entrance of the castle, in her warmest coat and hat because it had snowed overnight. She didn't know why on earth she was doing this. Never in a million years did she think she would be going to Hogsmead to buy a dress for a ball with Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy.

As she stood by the door she spotted the trio in the distance as they rounded a corner. If she wanted to leave that was her chance before they saw her. Too late. Pansy started to wave at her as they got closer. "Hay Hermione." Pansy said. "You ready to go?"

"I think so."

Pansy was wearing a bright cherry red coat with a white scarf, the colour a stark contrast to her short black hair. Draco wore a forest green polar neck jumper with a black coat and green scarf. Blaise was wearing a dark blue jacket and a similar colour scarf. She hadn't really spoken to Blaise very much but when they had spoken when partnered together for a lesson once in a while or she needed to borrow something, he was never blatantly mean or rude to her. She would even go as far as to say he was shy.

They all walked out through the door, and as they did, the cold air almost took Hermione's breath away. It was freezing out. The bright white snow was covering every inch of the school grounds. Although it had snowed already it didn't last very long, a day at the most. This snow was everywhere and looked a foot deep in places.

"So when we get into Hogsmead you two," she pointed to Draco and Blaise, "you are booked in at the tailors for ten thirty, Hermione and I are going to get coffee and then we are going to try on dresses in Madam Pauline's shop. Just come in when you are finished."

"Jesus Pandy, how long have you been planning this?" Draco asked, a shocked look on his face.

"Not long." She turned to Hermione. "So how did it go working out that clue?"

"It was actually harder than I expected, I wouldn't have been able to do it without Draco."

They spoke light conversation into Hogsmead, Draco and Hermione explaining the clue most of the time. Once they reached the village square they split off.

It only took a few minutes to reach the cafe. It was a cozy looking shop with large windows at the front, the building itself painted a dark red colour with a little sign above the door that read 'the book nook coffee shop' in gold filagree.

Her hands were so cold that they were numb and she couldn't feel the handle of the door they opened as they walked into the cafe. They both walked over to a small table at the back hidden by some book shelves. Hermione immediately sank into a large flowery armchair, the plush cushions making feel as if she were being hugged. "Wow, I think this might be my new favourite place." Hermione stated as she brushed her fingers against three of the books on the bookshelf.

"So what do you fancy?" Pansy asked smiling at her.

"Umm, a black coffee please."

"Sure you don't want anything else?"


She headed over to the counter and ordered coming back a few minutes later with the coffee. She sat down opposite her. "You probably don't remember this but we actually sat together on the Hogwarts express in our first year."

"Yes I remember." She replied as she placed her hands around her mug, trying to warm them from the cold outside.

"You know, I thought that we were going to be friends." She looked down at her cup as if in deep thought. "I guess the house system put a stop to that."

"I thought we were going to be friends too."

Hermione wondered what would have happened if they had been friends. Would she have been friends with Ron and Harry in the first place? Would she have helped as much in the war as she did? They were silent for a few seconds before Hermione asked "So what kind of dress are you going to get?" She took a sip of her coffee, the hot sweet liquid warming her from the inside. She carefully placed her mug back down on the stained wood table.

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