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Part 2

Hermione woke to the sound of birds. She didn't open her eyes but as she lay there still she realised that she was in a bed, probably the comfiest bed she had every been in. She could feel the fabric of the soft blankets against her skin, the large plush pillows behind her head smooth and silky against her cheek. She opened her eyes and found herself in a room she had never seen before, high ceilings, dark green walls with ebony accents. She was in a large, dark oak four poster bed, surrounded by forest green silk sheets, with silver embroidery at the edges. As she looked across the room she was surprised to see a large stone fireplace and on either side stood two floor to ceiling bookcases, filled to the brim with old and strange looking books.

There was a large ornate window to her left, and two doors to her right, one leading to a bathroom and one that she assumed would lead to a hallway.

She was supposed to be dead. Was she dead? Is this the after life? She didn't know where she was, all she knew was that she was pretty sure she wasn't dead.

She rolled over in the bed and turned to look at the window when something familiar caught her eye on the nightstand. There resting on the wooden table was a book, but not just any book, it was a copy of Pride and Prejudice. She had completely forgotten about her book after everything that had gone on. She sat up a bit in the bed and reached out to pick up the book but as her hand touched the leather cover, a sharp pain shot through her hand.

She looked down at her hands and saw that a complex protection rune had been carved into her palms, and recently as the blood there was still slightly sticky to touch. It was now that a billion questions raced through her mind. Where was she, why was she here? Why was her book on the table? Why were there runes on her hand?

She looked around the room for her wand but saw nothing.

She had to get out of the room, but she didn't know what she would find when she walked through that door, there could be Deatheaters. The thought made her feel sick, there may be Deatheaters crawling all though the building.

She slid out of the bed slowly, trying to be as quiet as possible, and crept over to the bathroom which was decorated very much in the same way as the bedroom. There was a large copper bath in one corner with a shower head above it. There were dark green tiles on the walls and a sink with copper taps to match the bath. It was then that she realised she was not wear the dress from the masquerade ball but a white night gown down to her mid thigh decorated with delicate lace. She didn't want to think of how she was in different clothes.

Hermione went straight for the vanity attached to the sink and opened the top drawer looking for something, anything to use to defend herself. She had looked through all of the drawers in the vanity unit, when she found a pair of scissors. She held them in her hand, the cold metals comfort in this unusual place.

She headed out into the hallway, and saw that it has pretty much the same decor as the room she had woken up in only that it was darker and the only colours were the black walls and the brown wooden floor.

It felt as if she had been walking for hours when she finally heard some semblance of human activity. She had reached a staircase looking down over an entry hall, and two her left ant the end of the balcony was a door slightly ajar where she could hear human voices. As she got closer to the door she started to pick up more and more of a conversation.

"Her is just going to keep on trying to get in here, maybe we should just let him and move them somewhere else." The woman's voice sounded slightly familiar as if she had heard it in a dream.

"No we can't do that, we don't know what moving them in this condition could do to them." Another voice, this one seeming slightly familiar too.

"Maybe we could let him in, but just stop him from going into that part of the manor."

"If we do that he will get suspicious and that will only get higher up until it gets to him."

"We are not going to let him in, not until I know she is safe." That voice she definitely knew, it was dangerous and perfect. It was Draco.

She opened the door and as soon as she made eye contact with him her heart skipped a beat.

"Hermione!" He immediately stumbled forward and pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"Draco I..."

"I didn't think you would wake up." He tightened his hold on her and buried his face into her neck and hair. "I can't believe you are alive. I'm never gonna to let anyone hurt you again."

She pulled back and looked up at him. His skin was paler than usual and his eyes looked as if he hadn't slept in days, weeks, they had almost lost their blue colour and were almost grey. Something was wrong. She looked to the other people in the room and saw that it was Pansy and Blaise, except they looked very different. Pansy's short hair was tied up which it never was and she had a thin scar from her eyebrow to her cheekbone. Blaise had his right arm in a cast and looked almost as tired as Draco. "What happened?"

Draco replied, an uneasy look on his features as he pulled away. "You are probably going to want to sit down."

"Just tell me will you." Her voice had a frustrated tone to it.

He let out a breath as he shared a concerned look with Blaise. "On the night that you...you died, everything happened, they managed to get most of the children out, the castle is now under Voldemorts complete control. Two days after that he took control of the Ministry by possessing the Minister. People started to go into hiding. The only people we are in touch with his Harry and Ginny, who are in hiding in Ireland."

"What do you mean, two days after, has it been longer than a few days since the ball? How long have I been out Draco?"

His eyebrows bunched together as if he was physically in pain. "You have been in a coma for two months and four days."

She thought she was going to pass out.

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