44-Flashback 2-Anger

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It had taken him about a week to get in touch with Pansy and Blaise and it was very early in the morning when they arrived at the gates of Malfoy Manor. It was no longer safe for any wizards in England as Voldemort had risen to being in charge of the ministry in only a week.

They were sat in Draco's suite with a no listening charm on the door. Pansy took a sip from a mug of tea and set it down on the coffee table in the small sitting room. "It's not looking good Draco, I've heard from my uncle who is very close to Voldemorts inner circle that in the next few days he is going to summon all people with the dark mark."

"Well we just won't go."

Pansy placed her hand over her left forearm as if she were trying to stop her dark mark from listening to their conversation. "We can't, he has found a way to kill anyone with the dark mark with out being anywhere near them, with his new access to the department of mysteries there is no telling what he will do but one thing I know for sure is that anyone that doesn't turn up when summoned will be killed within five minutes."

Draco cracked his knuckles as he rested his elbows on his knees, the unsettling noise he couldn't hear over the roaring in his head. "This can't be happening."

Blaise coughed and said with a comforting tone. "I know how you feel about Hermione's death but life has to move on, you need to keep going."

"Her death?" He stood up and laughed angrily. "Hermione is not dead?"

"Draco you need to come to terms with thi...."

"She is not dead, come with me." And with that he stormed from the room, his two best friends in tow.

He led them straight to the room where Hermione lay motionless on the bed, and turned to see their shocked faces. He looked back to where she lay and watched as her chest slowly rose and fell each time she breathed, each breath a tiny slither of hope that he might get to see her smile again, see her hazel eyes widen in excitement when ever she read something interesting, see her laugh when he said something stupid. There was hope.

"Draco I don't know..."

"I called in a healer and she said that physically she is fine and that if I wanted to see what was wrong I may need to find a soul seer."

"But Draco soul seers are so rare, the chances of you finding one are so small it might take you years."

"That's why I have been all over the country looking for one. I've been to Edinburgh, Cardiff, Liverpool, Manchester but all I have found are people pretending."

"What if..." Pansy was interrupted by a loud crack when Bobbin the elf appeared in the room.

"Master Draco, we found a soul seer, she is here"

"Thank you Bobbin, would you bring her up."

No one spoke in the room until Bobbin reappeared and right behind him was a small girl who looked about eleven and who had long blond hair.

"You are a soul seer?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course I am."

"What's your name?"

"My name is Emily." She folded her arms across her chest. "And I will only help you on one condition."

"And what is that?" He replied. It seemed strange to be taking such orders from a child so small but he supposed that the war in the last few years left it's mark on people.

"I know who you are Draco Malfoy, I know that if you want something you can get what you want, so I want you to help me find my mother."

"You can't find your mother, are you all by yourself?" Pansy asked, concern lacing her every word.

"She went missing three weeks ago, she went to work one day at the ministry and she didn't come back. And yes I'm all by myself."

The three of them shared a knowing look between them, three weeks ago would have been roughy when Voldemort had started to infiltrate the ministry, and chances were her mother was now under his control.

"I will try and help you find your mother." Draco said quietly. "And until we find her you can stay here if you want."

"Good, then I will help with whatever you needed me for."

Draco immediately gestured to Hermione lying motionless on the bed. "My friend was shot with...with the killing curse but because the curse wasn't wanted she is still alive and we need you to see if there is still a connection between her soul and her body."

"Hmm sounds complicated, I will give it a go." The little girl walked up to Hermione and hovered her small hands over her as she closed her eyes. "I can't sense her soul immediately."

Draco felt as though his heart had broken into a thousand pieces, he didn't know anything about soul seeing but he did know that what ever had happened was not good. "Can you do anything?"

She waved her hands over her body again. "I'm looking for a tether, a link between her body and soul, if I can find that we can find a way to reconnect them."

They all stood in silence for about an hour as the young girl waved her arms about in an almost psychotic manner until finally she said "There, I can sense her soul, her soul has wandered the astral plane quite far away but I think there might be a way to bring her back."

Relief flooded his body as he heard the words. "Thank you Emily."

Finally he knew that there was a way that she could come back, that what his father had made him do was reversible. Just as things were starting to seem better a searing pain spread through his left arm and as it did he watched as Blaise and Pansy both griped their arms in anguish.

Pansy turned to him, horror written on her features. "It's time, we have been summoned."

All Draco could feel was anger.

A/N: Hay I'm sorry if it seems that this has gone of course a little bit but I swear it will all be coming together in a few chapters. Thank you all for reading and thank you especially to the people that have continued to read every week. See you next week. BYEEE!!!

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