30-The Note

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It was two days before the ball. Hermione and Draco had danced every night to practice, Pansy and Blaise occasionally joining them, and had practiced fencing as well, Hermione beating Draco increasingly.She had found herself going to the library with Draco often as well to research the Ravenclaw diadem and other possible ways to destroy a horcrux.

She was now sat in her favourite part of the library, coffee in one hand and the book she had just bought in the other. She had thought that there might have been a spell to simulate basilisk venom but with no luck she found herself reading how to cast the echolocation spell. 'videte per sonus' she found herself repeating in her head.

"Found anything?" She asked as she shut her book and took a sip of the coffee, the sweet liquid like honey on her tongue.

"Not much, only something about how the best items to put them in are everyday objects like a muggle coin or a pebble, I guess Voldemort didn't read this."

"Yeah." She snickered. "I can't find anything either. There has to be something we are missing."

"Maybe there is another way of destroying them that hasn't been discovered yet." He said as he frowned down at the book.

"I doubt it, they were invented so they wouldn't be destroyed."

He stood up suddenly and walked towards her. "I think we need a break. Let's go for a walk."

"Umm, I think we should keep looking."

"Yes but you are on your third cup of coffee and I think some fresh air would be good." He walked closer and took her by her hands and pulled her from the chair.

"Fine but thirty minutes tops."

She got up from her chair and put on her winter coat. "So where do you want to go?"

"Courtyard sounds good."

It did take long for them to be outside in the snow. She could see where the fresh layer of snow had been stepped in by an animal and couldn't help wondering what animal it was. They walked out from the shelter of the arches and she breathed in the crisp air. She had to admit that this was a good idea but she didn't want Draco to become all smug so she kept her mouth shut and smiled to herself at the thought.

"Tell me about yourself." He said suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I'm getting to know you now but I have realised that I don't really know who you are as a person, what your likes and dislikes are, what your family is like."

"Hmm okay, I really like reading."

"Tell me something I don't know." He laughed.

"Fine then, I really like Paris, I went there a few years ago and it was one of the best experiences of my life. There are museums and art galleries all over the place and don't even get me started on the pastries and cakes." She replied a smile breaking across her face.

"So you like pastries and cakes?"

"Yeah but only when I eat them, I absolutely hate baking."

"Why is that?" He smirked.

"Flour and cake mix just gets everywhere and if you are using a recipe book it is guaranteed to get covered in flour."

"So in short you don't like it because you don't want your books to get dirty." He chuckled.

"Yes that's exactly what it is."

"Tell me something else."

She placed her fingers to her mouth as she thought. "I have a cat named Crookshanks."

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