9-Where were you?

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"Hermione there you are." Harry said.

After Malfoy had left her in the Astronomy tower she put the invisibility cloak back on and headed back to the common room. She took the cloak off to say the password and just as she walked through the door Ginny practically pounced on her, crashing then to the floor.

"Where were you, we have been looking all over the castle for you."

"I only went to get some fresh air."

"Yeah well it's that, after you argued the other day with Ron and Lavender we assumed that you may have wanted to duel her or something because Ron can't find Lavender."

"Hmm, we'll I'm certainly not going to waste my fine fighting her of all people."

Harry and Ginny exchanged a worried look and then turned back to her. "Don't let her get to you Mione."

"I'm not going to."

With that she went up to the common room, threw her beaded bag in her trunk and went to bed.

The next day was just like any day, perhaps a lot better than most days because it had started to snow and her, Ginny and Harry had a snowball fight just before Dinner. As they walked into the great hall they fell about laughing from the snowball fight after a particularly funny incessant where Ginny enchanted a giant snowball to follow Harry around till it hit him.

Hermione's hands we freezing, and as they started to warm up they started to tingle slightly. They instantly started to eat as soon as they sat down, all three of them famished from the snow fight. Suddenly she saw two figures appear in her peripheral vision and knew exactly who it was from the way Lavender scoffed as she sat down with Ron.

Hermione didn't look up from her food, not wanting to give Lavender the satisfaction from responding to her scoff.

She scoffed agin and Ginny decided to say something. "You know, if you have a cold there Lavender you should probably go and see Madam Pomfrey because there is apparently enchanted flu going around."

Hermione looked up then and almost spit out her pumpkin juice at the look on Lavender's face.

Suddenly there was a loud noise from the other side of the hall and she turned her head sharply to see what it was and she was met by the piercing stare of Malfoy and there was blood running down his chin from his mouth.

Why he was looking at her she didn't know but as she looked at him she felt almost completely captivated by the look in his eyes, ice cold and yet full of some sort of burning fire. The blood dripped of his lip and he wiped it away with the back of his hand still maintaining eye contact.

It was only then that she realised that at his feet lay an unconscious Crabbe. There was also blood on Crabbe's face, then she saw Malfoy's split knuckles.

She couldn't believe how quickly several teachers ran over to see what had happened.
Suddenly Ginny pulled her from her thoughts. "I don't even want to know what happened over there. All Hermione could think of was how much she wanted to know what had happened and why Malfoy had looked at her with such a look in his eye.

It wasn't long until Crabbe had awoken again and things had been sorted out. She was so curious about what had happened she made a mental note to try and find out what happened later. Later she wondered. She completely forgot. They were going to meet up that evening.

The next three hours went so incredibly fast that it only felt like a few seconds and she had the invisibility cloak on and was headed straight for seventh floor. She was stood opposite the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy, staring at the wall there. Suddenly she wondered if the room would ever appear after what happened last year. She remembered it as if it were yesterday, the heat of the flames, the diadem getting engulfed by the fire, Harry rescuing Malfoy from on of the many tall stack of furniture. Suddenly there was a cracking sound and the large wooden door appeared and opened revealing Malfoy stood there.

"Well are you going to come in or just stand there still like a statue."

"Depends of when statue you are referring too. The magic ones move."

"I'm referring to the muggle ones, specifically the ones of greek goddesses. Oh and that reminds me, your tattoo is of Icarus right." He stated as she walked into the room. She was probably overthinking it but there was something strange about how he just compared her to a goddess. He probably meant Medusa. The doors closed behind her and she looked around the room. It wasn't an overly large room but it still felt relatively spacious enough to cast spells. There were book shelves lining two walls, a fireplace in the middle, two sofas and a coffee table.

"Yes it's Icarus." It was then that she remembered the legend about the man that tried to escape a prison by using wings made of feathers and wax but he flew to close to the sun and the wax melted.

"I find it strange, them using something like that as a password." He scoffed. Suddenly he reached out and grabbed her wrist pulling her toward him and rolled up her sleeve and looked at the silver calligraphy. His hands were rather cold around her wrist. He let go and walked to the sofas and sat down, resting his feet on the coffee table and putting his hands behind his head.

"So tell me, is this how you manipulate people Malfoy?"

He smirked. "Some people."

She grimaced. "Well are you going to uphold your end of the bargain or what."

"Fine Granger." He leaned forward and rested his forearms on his knees. "First of all you are going to want to have an idea of what you want them to do, for instance if you want them to start talking to you and you are pretty close then silent treatment is good, or you can..."

"I just want to put Ron in a situation where he realises how wrong he was."

"Well that's going to be tricky Granger, I don't think you can manage it."

"Well I manipulated you didn't I?"

"I don't think that's how it works Granger."

"Are you sure about that, if you remember you think you came up with this deal when it was actually me, I planted that idea in your head."

"I saw what you were doing, it's like chess, that day I lost a knight but soon I'll take a queen."

They both stayed silent for a minute before Malfoy pulled out a pice of paper with the clue on. "So what do you think of this clue Granger." As she looked up at him she saw that same spark in his eye that was there earlier, when he had obviously punched Crabbe.

"What happened earlier with Crabbe?"

He rolled his eyes then and sat back the sofa. "He lost his temper."



"I think the clue might be a spell of some sorts."

An intrigued look passed over his features. "Tell me more Know-it-all." He smirked.

A/N: We'll I know it's the day after I posted last but I thought to myself why not so there it is. Thanks for reading. BYEEE!

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