36-The Door

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Draco thought back to the recurring dream he had and how each time he went to a giant snake door and how each time Hermione had died, killed by a hooded figure. She had told him to wait till everyone else was out before finding her, but he couldn't wait, he didn't care if she shouted at him, screamed at him, if she hated him and never spoke to him again, as long as she survived. He pulled at the tie around his neck and threw it to the ground. All he could hear was his own heart beat pounding in his ears and the sound of people apparating in and out of the castle. There were Deatheaters everywhere, he had already ran into three, the one that he killed and two others at the entrance to second floor that him and Blaise disarmed and knocked out.

He was running now, Blaise a few steps behind him when he reached the girl's lavatory on second floor. As he looked around he recognised the circular columns of sinks in the centre of the room, the only difference from his dream was that it was already open and not closed. He looked down into the deep tunnel seeing only darkness like a never ending abyss.

"Please don't tell me you are planing on going down there."

"I have too."

"I know." With that he jumped into the tunnel, not looking back.

Hermione was stood in the main chamber, he hands shaking slightly as she gripped the sword and looked towards the Ravenclaw boy who was now sprawled on the floor, out cold, probably meaning that Voldemorts spirit must have gone to another body. She couldn't help thinking that he was dead. She saw the metal grate in the floor and slowly walked over to it making sure not to make any noise. The tunnel was as she had guessed, small enough for her to fit in if she crouched but not big enough for the basilisk to fit in.

She silently said the spell 'Wingardium Leviosa' and raised the metal grate into the air above her head, and climbed down into the tunnel. This tunnel had significantly more water in it than the others, the water up past her shins. It was then that Hermione lowered the grate back down but into the water near by, leaving the hole open.

Draco found himself back in the familiar room full of bones from his dreams. "Draco, have you been here before?" Blaise asked, a concerned look on his face.

"Not in real life."

He started walking forward into the tunnel directly in front of him, it's familiarity slightly unnerving. He had seen this place so many times he knew it like the back of his hand and jet he had never actually been here.

As they walked they were surrounded by complete silence and all he could see was darkness at the end of the tunnel. It felt like hours when they saw light ahead and it was then that he recognised the shape of the door covered in snakes, only this time it was open.

Hermione had a plan and although it seemed crazy to even he self it was the best plan she had. She quickly cast a disillusionment charm on her self she that she would be harder to see. She pulled one of the stones from her dress pocket, moving her hand slowly so she wouldn't make any noise and threw the stone towards the entrance where the door still lay wide open. Suddenly there was a loud roar somewhere far behind her, proving that the first step to her plan was working and the Basilisk was coming for her. She watched as the giant snake charged out of a tunnel, crashing into one of the walls and then stoped in front of the large statue of Salazar Slytherin, its head moving from side to side searching for her.

Just as she was about to throw another stone she felt an overwhelming sense of fear and panic when she heard her name being shouted, "Hermione!". It was Draco, stood by the open door to the chamber, and he had just attracted the full attention of the Basilisk. She had to cover her mouth to stop herself from screaming because if she died then he would die too. The snake launched its self at such a a speed towards him that it was already half way across the room when he drew his wand. She had to do something. She picked up the sword and held it steadily in her hand, and she raised it ready to strike. It seemed that she was moving by pure instinct now.

The Basilisk got closer and closer until it was only a few feet away from passing over the hole she was in. It was three feet away, she tightened her grip on the hilt of the sword. Two feet, she bent her knees ready to strike. One foot away, its head was directly above the hole. She stood up and sliced upwards, the blade of the sword swinging through the air over her head landing on its neck and slicing straight through.

There was no more noise, no more sound of the scales on the stone floor, no more sound of the repeating hissing of the snake. She was now standing out of the hole looking down at the head of the basilisk, completely removed from the body.

She immediately looked towards Draco, only to see a worried expression on his face. The snake was dead, it was over. They still had to destroy the horcrux but for now they were safe. All she wanted to do was run to him and be in his arms.

She was just about to do exactly that when a loud crack sounded through the air and she turned to see a hooded figure. They raised their wand and Draco, blasting him through the door way, then closed the door behind him. There was another crack and another hooded figure appeared and imedietly shouted "Expelliarmus!", resulting in her wand flying through the air. This was not the end.

A/N: Good Luck with the next chapter. ;)

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