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Hermione felt herself sprinting down the hallways, Malfoy only a few steps behind. She had to get back to her room and to that letter before anyone else found it. It had been about an hour and a half since she left it there. Her heart was in her mouth as she reached the Gryffindor common room.

"Granger, you are still transfigured."

"What? Quickly change me back."

"Here." He flicked his wand once and she immediately changed back to normal. She pulled a lock of her hair out from behind her ear and looked at it, it was back to its usual coffee colour. "I guess I'll go then."

"No wait." She grabbed his arm before he could walk away. "I might need you, just...wait out here for a second okay."

She whispered the password to the fat lady and was let in immediately. As soon as she stepped into the common room she sensed that something had changed, the way the atmosphere had changed. As she walked to the centre of the room she noticed Harry sat by himself in one of the armchairs reading. He must have noticed her as well because his head shot up and he proceeded to give her a look full of knowing and betrayal. He turned his head back to his book.

"There you are Hermione. So who is it you went to meet then?"

Hermione heart dropped in her chest. She knew, Ginny knew, she read the letter. With that Ginny held up the letter and Hermione had never been so thankful for Malfoy's snarky comments, he had signed the letter, 'your favourite person'.

She let out a shaky breath. "I'm not telling you."

"What? Seriously? You won't tell me who your new boyfriend is, or girlfriend. I mean they are obviously a slytherin because of the tiny drawing of a snake wearing sunglasses but still, you can tell me."

"I'm not telling you because you will tell everyone else, and he is not my boyfriend, we are just friends."

"Well I have already told everyone, so it's a bit late. And he is definitely your boyfriend. I mean you haven't even got to read much of this and you can tell you two are going out."

"WHAT! You told everyone?"

She wouldn't look her in the eye. "Sorry, I just got excited when I read it, I thought you had finally gotten over Ron."

"I have been over Ron for months Ginny."

"But you seem so upset when you see him with Lavender."

"I'm not upset, I'm angry, angry at him. I couldn't care less what Ron and Lavender get up to."

Suddenly Ginny went quiet and Hermione turned to see Ron stood behind her. "You are going out with someone Hermione?"

"So what if I am, you wouldn't care." She turned around about to leave, she couldn't take this anymore, but before she could she felt a hand on her wrist.

"Well maybe I would." She turned around again and was met with Ron's piercing gaze.

"Ron don't do this."

"Do what?"

She pulled his had of her arm. "This! You are going out with Lavender and now the first time you hear that I might be going out with someone you say that. Don't you dare tell me that you care because you don't."

"Lavender broke up with me."

"I see how it is, because Lavender has left you you automatically think you can get back with me."

"No Hermione."

"Leave me alone." She felt tears stinging the corners of her eyes.

With that she turned on her heel and left the common room. As she left she heard a set feet following her and once she walked through the portrait hole she turned around. "Harry I'm really not in the mood."

Malfoy was stood opposite the door leaning against the wall. He stepped forward from the wall. "Granger are you okay? What happened?"

"I'm fine. Harry would you stop sneaking around and get out from underneath the invisibility cloak."

"I just wanted to tell you that I think what Ginny did was wrong." Harry suddenly appeared as he pulled the cloak from around his shoulders. "She had no right telling people that, and the fact that Ron was behind you and she carried on. I'm not going to defend her but she just wanted you and her Ron to be happy and I think that what why she did that."


"I'm sorry about what happened the other night. It was none of my business what you get up to and I understand now that you were right, you were right about everything." He looked over to Malfoy then. "I'm sorry Malfoy, if you two want to be friends it's not my place to get in the middle of it."

"Thank you Harry." She ran over and gave him a hug, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, tears still falling from her eyes.

"Thanks Potter." Both Hermione and Harry were surprised by what he said.

"Well I never thought I'd hear those words come out of your mouth, Malfoy." Harry replied jokingly.

"Well you thought wrong." Malfoy smirked. "I guess I should go."

"Wait." Hermione quickly took of the necklace that he had made from his signet ring. "Here."

He took it and held the metal chain in his hand for a second before he held it out in his hand, taped it with his wand, reverting it back to the ring and placed it back in her hand. "You keep it."


"So you will remember who you are. It's also charmed with a spell of self confidence and I think that you need to believe in yourself more than I do."

"But is yours."

"I can always get another one. I'll see you tomorrow Granger." He smiled before walking off down the corridor.

"So. Was Ginny right about you two going out then."

"What? No? He is just a friend."

A/N: Hay, I hope everyone is doing good, on a scale of one to ten how much of this do you want to be plot based and how much relationship because I don't know if I want this to be a slow burn or just get them together in the next few chapters. Also should I give Ron a redemption arc or kill him off? Thanks for reading this far it means a lot. BYEEE.

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