46-Flashback 4-Depression

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All he could see was fire. Draco was currently hidden behind a large rock, desperately trying to stay out of sight, because if they saw him he knew he would have to kill them. There were screams and shouts from all around as people tried to fight for their lives, he couldn't even see Pansy or Blaise. He heard his breath, his heart pounding in his chest and stuck his head out from behind the boulder. Just as he did a large fire ball came shooting towards his face, only missing him by inches as he shot back behind the bolder, pressing his back into the stone.

He couldn't remember how many stunning spells he had shot from his wand. If he could just find Harry in amongst all of this they could come up with a plan so no one else gets hurt.

He dived around to the other side of the boulder and rolled out of the way as another curse came shooting towards him, this one tinted a familiar shade of green. A killing curse. It seemed that Potters army had resorted to more extreme measures. He stood up and charged towards where the curse had come from and shot one stunning jinx after another.

In amongst the explosions and cries of horror he heard a voice yelling. "Potter is at the hut."

The hut? Hagrid's house he thought. Of course that's where he would be, he knows that area like the back of his hand. He started to run, if he could just get to him they could fix all of this. He shot stunning spells into the darkness whenever he thought he saw movement until he was out of the denser part of the dark forest and the trees were illuminated by the light of the full moon. He could hear shouting up ahead and knew that that was where Harry Potter would be. He sprinted out of the forest and saw for himself what was going on.

Harry was cornered by three of Voldemorts soldiers, he was being backed into Hagrid's hut, his wand no where to be seen. Draco ran forward, his wand raised ready to stun the three soldiers when one of them pulled of their helmet revealing beneath Pansy Parkinson. She quickly stunned one of them but the other was to fast, raising his wand and pointed it straight at her. All Draco saw was a flash of white light and all he could hear was Pansy's scream as she fell to the floor.

Before Draco knew what he was doing he was shouting "Avada Kedavra." and green light was shooting from his wand. The man dropped to the floor unmoving as Draco ran forward to an unconscious Pansy. She had been knocked out and there was a large gash across the side of her face, if that curse had been any closer to her she would have died. He scooped Pansy up into his arms and shouted towards Harry. "It's a trap we need to go." It was out of the corner of his eye that he saw Blaise running towards them from the forest.

"Oh my god, what happened." Blaise breathed and he got to them.

"There is no time to explain." Draco held out his hand to Blaise and a confused looking Harry.

"Where are you going to take us?"Harry proclaimed, seriousness written all over his features. It was then that Draco realised that Harry had no idea who he was under the masked helmet.

"Somewhere safe."

Harry quickly grabbed hold of his hand and they teleported out of there, back to Malfoy manor.

"Who are you?" Harry he said as he pulled his wand from a hidden pocket in his jacket. It was only now that Draco discovered that Harry was only pretending to have list his wand, it was probably part of some elaborate plan that would ultimately be unsuccessful.

"You know, seeing how many dangerous situations you have been put in Potter I would have expected you to be more cautious when someone offers to teleport you to safety."

Harry must have picked up the way he said "Potter" because he only replied with "Draco!"

"You can't just go fighting people. Voldemort obviously wants you for some reason, that's why Ginny is being held hostage, it's to trap you."

"What do you suppose I do then Malfoy, just left my girlfriend die."

"I...no, but you need to plan this out." Draco placed Pansy on the tiled floor of the foyer and took his wand and healed what he could of Pansy's face leaving a thin white line across the side of her cheek.

"Is she going to be okay." Blaise asked concern in his eyes.

"I think she will." Blaise then knelt down and picked her up and carried her towards the living room.

"What your plan then Draco?" Harry said to Draco, looking defeated.

"I'm going to get Ginny out within the next hour and then you are going to leave the country."

"What? I'm not just going to leave, there is a war going on. I need to help."

"No you don't, if Voldemort wants you for something then the best thing you can do is leave, otherwise he might come to full power and then everyone will be in danger."

"I can't just leave, the resistance is counting on me."

"I think Voldemort is planing on using you. To bring himself back to life."

A dark look passed over Harry's eyes as if he had finally realised how serious this had all become. "We need to get Ginny out now!!"

"No, I'm going to get her out because taking you would put everyone at risk."

With that before Harry could do anything else Draco teleported back to the cellar of the three broomsticks. He didn't know what he was about to do, he just knew that he was going to be silent and leave no one that would know what he did.

A/N:Hay, I'm really struggling to keep writing this at the moment but I'm going to keep on trying to avoid the writers block. Thank you all for continuing to read this. Anyway I'll keep this short. BYEEE!!!

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